Carlos Cruz asks for a new trial


OR request, which will be considered by the Supreme Court of Justice (STJ), follows a decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) What, me June of 2018, Carlos Cruz was right, who challenged the refusal of the Lisbon Court of Appeals to admit new evidence from the defense at the appeal stage, considering that the accused did not have the right to a “fair trial”.

After Expresso ‘online’ advanced today at the end of the day with the news, the lawyer Ricardo Sá Fernandes told Lusa that the request for review of the decision arises after the European court considered that “the principle of the process was violated “. equitable ”, by not considering the evidence – documents and interviews – presented by the defense of Carlos Cruz.

At stake are the statements of the ex-driver of Casa Pia Carlos Silvino and alleged youth recruiter, who retracted the accusations made against Carlos Cruz and other defendants after they were convicted.

For the lawyer, the request for review of the sentence “is a shot that occurs only once”, thus justifying the time elapsed between the decision of the European court (2018) and this request for a new trial.

Carlos Cruz served two-thirds of the six-year sentence and was released on July of 2016.

Regarding this request, the lawyer stated that it is “a very complex piece”, which forced him to “confirm thousands of documents and listen to dozens of hours of recordings.”

“It’s a shot that only happens once and I had to be absolutely sure what I was going to present,” he said.

The request for a new trial was handed over to the lower court.ncia and, predicts the lawyer, it should go up to STJ until February, and the decision should take between two and three months.

Regarding the mood of Carlos Cruz, who always said he was innocent, his lawyer said: “Carlos Cruz lives for this, to see his name rehabilitated. He has had several illnesses and what keeps him alive is the hope of seeing his name cleared “.

“Carlos Cruz had nothing to do with the abuse or the Casa Pia process. He is a completely innocent man whose life was destroyed,” he said.

The former presenter was convicted in 2010 for sexual abuse of minors, in âscope of the Casa Pia process. He served two-thirds of the six-year sentence and was released on July of 2016.

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