Carlos Alberto’s disconcerting response that led Mourinho to place him at eleven at Old Trafford – FC Porto


Before the game with Manchester United, for the 2004 champions

Costinha revealed an episode that clarified the ‘shameless’ of Carlos Alberto, a Brazilian striker who, at 19 years old, asserted himself in the European champion of FC Porto José Mourinho. More specifically, a conversation that took place before the return leg of the 2003/04 round of 16 in England.

“Before the game with Manchester United, at the Mourinho conference, our team started without saying. The United team said and turned to Carlos Alberto: ‘Feijão, do you know who Paul Scholes is?’ to which he replies: “Sir, that is not the question, the question is whether Paul Scholes knows the beans …” Mourinho heard that and said: “you and Costinha play, the other nine are still going to decide”. at Old Trafford, before a match of that importance. We knew that, wherever he went, he was going to be the street guy who was always unbalanced, “said the former Portuguese international on the ‘FC Porto at home’ program, broadcast by the club media. .


By José Miguel Machado


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