Car overturned in circular of Braga


The ambassador of Iran, Morteza Damanpak Jami, visited the city of Braga this Friday, November 20, with visits to InvestBraga, Startup Braga and the Municipality.

In a statement, InvestBraga states that this visit “allowed to show the dynamism of the city and the region, that is, its competitive advantages and the economic and business ecosystem.”

Accompanied by the first secretary and advisor of the Embassy, ​​Mohammad Farahat, the ambassador met with Carlos Silva, executive director of InvestBraga and with Gil Carvalho, head of the area of ​​Economic Dynamism and Investment Attraction at InvestBraga.

During the meeting the main economic, scientific and cultural actors of the municipality of Braga were presented, “in order to promote what is done best in the region”, says the same note.

At Startup Braga, the delegation learned about the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the region, which, as Ricardo Rio, president of Câmara and InvestBraga, highlighted, is similar to that of the Iranian city of Yazd.

“Yazd is a city with a great history and great dynamism, with a very strong presence from the point of view of culture, research and entrepreneurship, areas that Braga has valued in recent years and that can be strengthened between cities and his agents, ”said the mayor.

Ricardo Rio also noted that the municipality is “strongly committed to building a lasting relationship with various countries and economic agents, in order to put Braga on the radar of international investment.”

The afternoon was reserved to visit other attractions of the city, such as the rectory of the University of Minho and a visit to the company bysteel, of the dst group.

It should be remembered that the visit of the Iranian ambassador to Braga is part of an initiative promoted by InvestBraga, whose mission is to promote the diplomatic corps’ contact with the reality of Braga as a strategic vector for the promotion of the city and its assets.
