Capsules and fantasies in the debate between Ana Gomes and Tiago Mayan | Ana Gomes


They did not disagree at all, but he took care to show the deep divergences between each other’s ideologies. In the study of TVI 24, Ana Gomes accused Tiago Maya Gonçalves to have a “fanciful vision” and defend perverse neoliberal theses. The candidate for Belém of the Liberal Initiative shot that the contestant in the January 24 elections lives “encapsulated”, he hit the PS and still remembered the times when he went “on the arm of Socrates.”

With the pandemic in the background, the two candidates showed a coincidence of positions regarding the state of emergency, both reject the legal prescription to which the Government has resorted to frame the measures adopted. The differences between the two became apparent when discussing the response of the National Health Service (SNS). Mayan Gonçalves did not remove the “political responsibility” that she attributed to Marta Temido for the deaths of non-covidual patients, which Ana Gomes considered “irresponsible and unfair”.

The candidate supported by the Liberal Initiative also accused Ana Gomes of entering a “drift towards a totalitarian project”, when she argues that part of the money spent in responding to the pandemic goes to the private sector in the health sector. And he asked if the candidate intends to nationalize laboratories and pharmacies. Ana Gomes denied having rejected private participation in the response to the pandemic, but argued that it should be done at a “cost price”. Ana Gomes then accused Tiago Mayan of having an absolutely fanciful vision that was not applied anywhere “except in the days of the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile.” In the counterattack, the liberal candidate assured that Ana Gomes is “encapsulated in an alternative reality”, because the SNS “is collapsing” and responded that the fair compensation of the private companies “is not a cost price.”

Corruption was another issue that showed differences, although at first the two candidates were in tune. Both, if they were Presidents of the Republic, would have vetoed the public procurement law. Furthermore, the differences were maintained. Faced with the “cases” of Ana Gomes, Tiago Mayan Gonçalves defended that the potential for corruption is “in every stamp” that the State puts on. Ana Gomes said that she not only talks about trials and recalled that she makes “well-founded complaints.” Mayan Gonçalves accused Ana Gomes of “walking hand in hand with José Sócrates”, but the socialist replied that “from an early age” he challenged the former prime minister.

Both criticized the accusations made on Thursday by the prime minister to three Social Democrats that they are campaigning internationally against Portugal – regarding the election of the European prosecutor. “I am too familiar with the type of arguments that, for example, Orbán uses to attack those who criticize him,” Ana Gomes shot, adding, however, that Costa is “much better” than the Prime Minister of Hungary.
