Can SNS respond only after Covid? “I don’t think so,” says the Minister of Health


It is an interview in the cycle organized by the Socialist Party under the title “Politics with a word” that began with António Costa and continues, this week, with the Minister of Health, Marta Temido.

Interviewed by Filipe Santos Costa, the Minister of Health admits that the National Health Service (SNS) will not be able to respond only to waiting lists that already exist.

“They are back,” acknowledges Marta Temido. “We are not going to say that there is not a great difficulty.”

“As a hypothesis, if we had zero cases of Covid-19 tomorrow, the Health System, to return to work, must take a series of precautions,” explains the minister, listing, for example, the physical and temporal space.

When asked if the SNS will be able to answer alone, Marta Temido is clear: “I don’t think so.” He admits resorting to the private sector: “From what the analyzes that we have already done, this intention exists, it is clear and we will activate it“guarantees the Minister of Health.
