Call center workers go on strike


Call center workers start a strike this Thursday, which lasts until Friday and is repeated on December 31 and January 1, demanding more rights, specifically in teleworking.

The strike call comes into effect from 00:00 “on December 24 to midnight on December 25 and from 00:00 on December 31 to midnight on January 1”, covering workers “who provide service in the area of ​​the ‘call center’ and ‘contact center’, either in the functions of ‘front-office’, ‘back-office’ and similar, as well as in administrative areas, IT [tecnologias de informação] and similar, under ‘outsourcing’, provision of services or others, throughout the territory of Portugal “, reads the statement of the Union of Call Center Workers (STCC).

However, workers who provide socially essential services are excluded from this notice, namely line SNS24 and other essential public health services, support to INEM, support to the security forces and life support line ”, and, therefore,“ this notice waives the proposal of minimum services to satisfy essential social needs, according to the provisions of Article 537 of the Labor Code, ”he said. the STCC.

“Some workers have stayed in the workplace and others have made the transition to teleworking” in recent months, stressed the union structure, accusing “most of the companies in the sector” of continuing to “increase profits” and take advantage of “teleworking to Increase the level of exploitation of its workers by transferring the operating costs of electricity, water, Internet and in many cases, the work tools themselves,” according to the statement.

Therefore, the STCC requires “teleworking with rights”, as well as the “recognition and appreciation of the profession of ‘call center worker'”, which, he recalled, during the pandemic, “never ceased.”

The workers call for “legislation and mandatory application of the telework allowance for all” to compensate for the increased expenses, as well as the “obligation to provide all necessary work tools.”

The STCC also intends to “strictly comply with the contractual working hours”, the “compulsory registration” and “their assignment at the request of the workers”, as well as “the prohibition of all forms of surveillance against or potentially threatening freedoms individual and the privacy of the generality of the workers ”, including the“ obligation of the ‘webcams’ permanently linked during the daily teleworking commute, or any other ‘software’ created for that specific purpose ”.

The union also points out the need for “freedom of association, the self-organization of all workers and the right to union information” to also be fulfilled in teleworking, also calling for the “reinforcement of ACT’s human and technical resources.” [Autoridade para as Condições de Trabalho] prevent and effectively combat all forms of moral harassment, both in the workplace and in the context of teleworking “.

Finally, the workers intend to “promote collective bargaining in all sectors of activity”, “direct hiring and the end of false temporary work”, “the recognition of the profession of ‘call center’ worker” and “increase general wages “.
