Businessman kidnapped today in downtown Maputo


OR spokesman for the Police Command of the Republic of Mozambique (PMR) in the city of Maputo, Leonel Machine, confirmed the kidnapping to the newspaper O País.

Leonel Machine He said that the authorities are on the ground investigating the case.

We partnerus to the National Criminal Investigation Service and the subsequent work is already underway, “he said. Leonel Machine, without going into details about the occurrence.

The victim was interrogated by an armed man, when he was going to a hairdresser that operates in an office and residential building in the center of Maputo, after getting out of the vehicle that another person was driving.

The man forced the businessman to get into a car in which three people were armed.

“A vehicle entered address to Salvador Avenue Allende and there were four occupants in it and one of them got out of the car and forced you into the car. The driver of the kidnapped tried to resist, but the criminals threatened to shoot, “a witness told the country.

The newspaper says that the businessman is Ismael forget and is connected to the group Uzeir Trade Center, based in Beira, capital of the province of Sofala, Central Mozambique.

Lusa was unable to obtain a reaction from the police to the news about the event.

The kidnapping takes place less than a week after the kidnapping in the city of Matola, from Portuguese Jessica Small, meanwhile released on Thursday

Jessica Pequeno, 27, was kidnapped Monday and released by the kidnappers Thursday night, a source close to the family told Lusa.

Contacted by Lusa, source of the National Criminal Investigation Service (Sernic) sent clarifications on the case for later.

The victim is the daughter of a couple who own the restaurant. Burako da Velha, a family business owned by the Portuguese Dina Pequeno and Alberto Beto – where Jessica and her husband Marco, a pastry chef, also work.

Since the beginning of 2020, the Mozambican authorities have registered a total of 10 kidnappings, the victims of which are businessmen or their families.

In October, a group of entrepreneurs from the city of Beira, Sofala, central Mozambique, paralyzed for three days, his Activities in protest of the wave of kidnappings in the country.

The Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA), the largest employers’ association in the country, has also repeatedly demanded a tough fight against this type of crime and even the president of Mozambique, Filipe Eyebrows, already asked for more measurements.

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