Budget closest to being approved: PAN will abstain from voting in general | State budget 2021


The People-Animals-Nature Party (PAN) will abstain from voting on the general proposal for the State Budget for 2021 (OE2021) next Wednesday, in the Assembly of the Republic, the party’s parliamentary leader, Inês Sousa, announced today. Real.

With the abstention of the three PAN deputies, the same position announced on Friday by the PCP, the Government needs two more abstentions to ensure that the document becomes viable in the first vote and passes to the specialty stage.

The Left Bloc is expected to announce its vote this Sunday, at 8:30 p.m., at the end of a meeting of the National Table, while the Green Party “Os Verdes” will make its decision public on Tuesday, with the position still to know. of the two unregistered deputies, Joacine Katar Moreira and Cristina Rodrigues.

At a press conference at the party headquarters, the PAN deputy did not want, however, to commit to voting in the party in the final global vote, scheduled for November 26.

“At this time, everything is open regarding the final global voteWhat we expect is compliance by the PS and the Government of what is a set of concerns that we hope to see enshrined in the specialty. The door is open so that you can work within the budget in the specialty, ”said Inês Sousa Real.

The PAN deputy stated that, in negotiations with the Government, the party “not only claimed consequences in relation to what was registered” in the State Budgets for 2020, but has already assured that “The Budget for 2021 that entered Parliament will not be the same that will come out at the end of the discussion in specialty”.

“Although it is a more difficult path to take, that of dialogue and that of building bridges, it is a demanding path, one that we do not renounce, within the scope of the commitments assumed with the people who trust the PAN and, in this way , respond to your concerns, “he defended.

Inês Sousa Real pointed out as the objective of the party that “this is a better budget for the country, for people, for animals and for nature.”

“For this reason, and because at this stage the content of the final budget is open and there is room to advance in matters of specialty, as long as the Government and the PS do not back down on the commitments already assumed, and the PAN cannot vote in favor. of this budget. he will abstain in general ”, he justified.

In response to reporters, the deputy said that the party is opening the door for other mediators to be included. “We are opening the door to be able to work the Budget according to the specialty. As for what is the final global vote, it will depend on the commitment to advance not only in these measures, to obviously go further to deepen what may be the need to register other concerns in the OE, “he said.
