Bruxelas lança recomendações para retakes de viagens sem discriminação na UE


The Commission of Europe launches the fourth February recommendation for a gradual resumption of travels in the European Union (EU), face to the lifting of the restrictions applied due to covid-19 before seeing and wanting to avoid discrimination on the basis of nationality.

It will not be a matter of scope that Bruxelas has designated as “strategic guidelines for tourism and transport” that the community executive will disclose his recommendations for the reopening of the internal borders of the EU, thinking of the resumption of two most affected sectors by the impact of the pandemic, with losses which amounted to thousands of thousands of euros.

As the external and internal borders of the EU are practically dated due to the restrictive measures provided to counteract the spread of the covid-19, it is still uncertain when the countries will lift the restrictions to travel, not only by air, or that it ends up also creating uncertainty about resume tourism

I am certain that this is a national decision, which is what the community executive intends to do with these guidelines “an approach coordinated with the European level”, told the European Commission of Transport, Adina Valean, in an interview with Lusa published not since the beginning.

Questioned by Lusa about when are you going to outro other type of travel (like autocarro or comboio) between European countries that could be re-elected, Adina Valean noted that it was impossible to add data, because it was dependent on the evolution of the pandemic.

“It would also be good if everyone decided to recommend [as viagens] At the same height, it is more and more impossible due to the health situation, which is different from State-member to State-member, “noted Responsavel Roma.

This decision should be regretted, therefore, criteria such as the need for a tax to be reduced to a country, or the country with the ability to ensure that it does not have a health and test system and to monitor positive cases, Adina added to Valena at Lusa at altitude. .

Isso also affects the return to tourism, since isso will also depend on “sanitary conditions” in each country, second to the European Commission for Transport.

“Or that we can recommend that, when they are restored to their travels”, they are considered to be aspects such as “no discrimination on the basis of nationality, this is, ensuring that they want to travel to a certain destination by fazê-lo, do A or do B “, he pointed out to responsável.

“Acho that this is the minimum that we can imagine at this time, [já que] As a health situation is different from country to country, we cannot ask everyone to embrace the same time, “said Adina Valean.

The European Commission of Transport has confirmed that it is the responsibility of two member States, it being up to the countries “to decide when it is safe or sufficient for your travels or to receive travelers from other countries.”

In any attempt to mitigate or cliff, to responsável defends that the passengers must use protective equipment such as masks, being “or minimal” that they can protect themselves, and in addition to “some distance” you transport us, please admit that it is not seja possível em voos.

Nessa interview, Adina Valean disagrees with other travelers from European cities for the end of the EU at the end of the year or at covid-19 to be “numa situação estavel”, with available treatment, aiming to avoid cases of heavy withdrawals in third countries.

Já numa interview published leaflet, or principal specialist of the Centro Europeu de Prevenção e Controlo das Doenças (ECDC) for respos e e emergency operations, Sergio Brusin, recommended to the countries that we consider “cautious” and “vigiem” or lifting of restrictive measures.

“With some caution, it is possible to recommend, but it is also necessary to understand that this will not be a normal season of tourism or travel, it will be a season with a slow reopening of the economy,” added Sergio Brusin, from ECDC, in Lusa.

The two transport sectors – nomadically or aeronautically – and tourism only do two of the most affected by the pandemic.

Not that it touches aviation, Organização Europeia para a Segurança da Navegação Aérea (Eurocontrol) estimates that the European aeronautical setor will lose 110 thousand million euros this year due to covid-19, between airlines, airports and service providers.

On the other hand, the European Travel Commission (ETC), the European tourism entity, foresees that the European tourist set will need 375 thousand milhões de euros to recover the crise gerada pela covid-19 e to re-establish its operations.
