Bruno Nogueira and 10,000 euros for Operation Red Nose. “It took us by surprise” – National


The directives of Instagram “How Bicho Mexe” returned last Friday. And Bruno Nogueira had not yet appeared on screen, since the donation of donations for Operation Red Nose had exceeded the 1000 euro mark. At the end of the night, the comedian’s followers responded with force to the solidarity appeal: 10,000 euros to donate to the Private Institution of Social Solidarity, whose visible face are the Clown Doctors who visit and cheer up hospitalized children.

To the MAGG, Carlota Mascarenhas, Director of Communication and Fundraising of Operation Red Nose, explains that they had no prior knowledge of the initiative. “We were very surprised, not only to see the resounding and well-deserved scope of the project ‘How does O Bicho move?’ it continues to have, as a result of the willingness of so many people to come together and help us. All of us, Portugal and the rest of the world, are going through an atypical period of enormous uncertainty, but seeing the wonderful way that so many people continue to come together to support a cause leaves us speechless and deeply grateful. “, bill.

Operation Red Nose recently launched its Christmas campaign # QuantoÉQueDás ?, an initiative in which several public figures participate. Initially, Bruno Nogueira was invited, as Carlota reveals, but the comedian wanted to help in another way. “When we were informed that Bruno had decided, instead of participating, to help us by raising donations in ‘How does the beast move?’ We were very excited, because of their availability to help us and because we knew the impact that the long-awaited return of the project would have on the public. But without a doubt, our expectations were far exceeded! “

Inês Castel-Branco, Tânia Ribas de Oliveira, Salvador Martinha and Filipa Gomes are some of the public figures who participate in the Operation Red Nose Christmas campaign and who will face challenges in exchange for donations. The commitment to celebrities as an extra incentive to solidarity is, explains the Director of Communication and Fundraising of Operation Red Nose, “a great way to reach the hearts of people.”

“The public figures that we invite to participate in the # QuantoÉQueDás? Campaign belong to various areas of the public sphere and have an enormous impact on the public that follows them, and that sees them as examples to follow, as credible sources of messages. passing by, as lifestyle ambassadors, etc. Therefore, we know that by seeing them launch this challenge on their social networks, asking their followers to help Operation Red Nose to see them carry out their challenges, they will have a greater openness and availability to support us. “

How clown doctors adapted to the new normal

Created in 2002, Operation Red Nose has 32 Clown Doctors who, until the start of the pandemic, visited 17 hospital units weekly, bringing joy and smiles to hospitalized children. However, like everything else in the world, COVID-19 forced a change of plans.

“Even before the establishment of the first state of emergency, we reached an agreement with the addresses of the hospitals we visited to get away while efforts were focused on facing this new threat and for which no one had a history to prepare it,” recalls Carlota . Mascarenhas. Doctors Palhaços went on to telework, as did the entire IPSS technical team.

“But we could not lower our arms, so we looked for alternatives to continue our work with children who are in hospitals and who are always our highest priority. That is where TV ONV, our YouTube channel, where, in During these months, we have been making videos available, made entirely by our team, so that any child can continue to follow us through the Internet “, explains the official.

During the improvement phase of the pandemic, the “physical return to hospitals” was considered, but the increase in the number of infected once again postponed this plan. Right now, however, we are already back in some hospitals that we visit and we also have a new model of interaction with children through the Internet, the Clowns on the Line, a kind of teleconsultation, with a child on one side and one o two Clown Doctors on the other, in which there is a more direct and personal connection than we could get through TV ONV “, reveals Carlota Mascarenhas, underlining that “this project is still in a very early stage”. “But the feedback we have received from the hospitals where we are already integrating it has been so positive that it gives us the certainty that it was a safe bet,” he concludes.
