Broken couple: Brazilian Wênnia breaks engagement with ‘Farmer’ Emanuel de Viseu – News


It’s over. What was a pink romance turned black. Wênnia Emannuelly, the Brazilian who won the heart of Vilar Seco’s boy in 2019 in Nelas, Viseu, announced the end of the relationship.

“What did you do last year? Do you remember everything? Your thoughts, your body, your relationship, your friends, your life. Did you mature? Did you reflect? Were you happy? We were. Much,” he recalled.
More: “We met on an adventure, where each one sought a safe refuge for his soul. We began a new life where the world accompanied our first encounter and it was there that we found love, one in the other. We discovered ourselves, we lived very intensely as much as we could, no matter what. Partners, accomplices, true love, you know. Just like in the movies. And it was a real life movie. Also, we create admiration, respect, more love and mutual affection by chance. No one accidentally crosses our path. But life, right? Life is a living wheel. And how it takes us by surprise. Today admiration, respect, complicity, love and affection continue. , but no longer as a couple. “, advanced.

Emanuel Costa: the farmer marked by death

For the former couple Wênnia and Emanuel “at that moment, life traced us in different directions. I have my dreams … He has his dreams. It is better to live fully than to try to live in halves. We still have a lot to learn and find out” he concluded.


Aware that her passion was a public matter, Wênnia considers that the end of the relationship should also be like this and exposes it: “Today I leave you this message out of respect. Because we have shared our happiness with you since the day we first met This time, until today. You have always made our story much more magical … This time we need to give ourselves to discover what is happening in this phase that each couple goes through. And now we ask the same respect, in this moment of intimacy and privacy that we really need. Life has to continue. And tomorrow? Ahhhh tomorrow we will never know. I just hope and hope that it is the best thing for our hearts, “concluded the Brazilian.
