British physician. ″ If we vaccinate 20% or 30% of the population of each country, we can return to normality ″


There is “no end” to the covid-19 pandemic and we will have to live with the virus for many years. Who says so is Jeremy Farrar, the doctor who runs the British NGO Wellcome Trust, dedicated to scientific research, and one of the first to alert about the first cases of an unknown respiratory infection detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in 2019. virus, now consider the expert “It will remain in the population for many years and perhaps forever. “

“We have to learn, through treatments and vaccines, to control the disease, reduce its impact and live with it, as we do with the flu, other coronaviruses or HIV. [O vírus] It is not disappearing “, says the British in an interview with El País.” It is a virus of animal origin that found people, who alreadyá is endemic to human populations and will continue to have repercussions throughout the world. Currently, there is no escape from that. “, he warns.

Despite the current moment, when several countries face a new wave of infections, such as Spain, France, the United Kingdom and also in Portugal, Farrar believes that the return to “a certain normality” could occur next year. Everything will depend on the development of science in the fight against covid-19.

“I believe that [medicamentos e vacinas] It will arrive in 2021. I think we will have results in November and December of this year. AND we will have good vaccines in 2021, which may be available to everyone in the world who needs them. And that will be the beginning of a new era in 2021. Society will return to a certain normality “, considers. But don’t think it will be the life we ​​had before the pandemic, says the expert. It will be “a little different”.

To achieve this certain normality, the vaccine against the disease will be essential, but there must be a strategy for results. “If we vaccinate 20% or 30% of the population of each country, we can return to normality”, defends the British doctor.

“The way to save lives, open the economy and reopen schools is to vaccinate some people in every country. This is the fastest way out of this pandemic.”
