Bring a camera and headphones to answer the code exam in Braga


The Municipality of Braga will not agree to Cabido’s request to allow the parking of cars, on mass days, in Rossio da Sé. Speaking during the Chamber meeting that took place today in the gnration building, Ricardo Rio said that “no exceptions will be made in pedestrian areas, except for people with reduced mobility or the sick.”

The mayor responded, therefore, to an interpellation of the CDU councilor, Carlos Almeida, who agreed with the council’s position, having gone further, requesting that parking on the site be totally prohibited, which -he said- It does not always happen, since there are days when it is full of vehicles. “Environmental and heritage values ​​are at stake, which cannot be questioned,” he said.

Then, Rio wanted to know the position of the Socialist councilors, Artur Feio having said that the PS has not yet studied the issue, so it does not comment, for now.

Insinuating that the autarky has nothing against the Archdiocese, on the contrary, Rio recalled that there are no exceptions for other events that take place in the urban center, in pedestrian areas, such as the Theatro Circo shows and others.

Holidays for 20% of employees

At the meeting, where the public auction of 13 more places for sale in the Municipal Market – which reopens on Saturday, December 5 – was approved, there were still discrepancies between the majority and the opposition due to the Collective Agreement of Public Employing Entity (ACEEP). initialed, between days, between the Chamber, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Public Administration and Public Purposes Organizations (FESAP), the Union of Public Administration Workers and Public Purposes Organizations (SINTAP) and the National Union of Professional Firefighters ( SNBP).

On the occasion of the signing, Ricardo Rio stated that “this is a historic agreement that contributes to the” appreciation of the workers of the Autarchy and the recognition of their role in municipal dynamics.

Opposition says Braga council’s agreement with unions creates inequalities

This thesis does not deserve the agreement of the opposition: the socialist Artur Feio said that the PS does not agree that the agreement covers only 20% of the workers classified as ‘Very good’, with three more days of vacation per year: “It is discrimination. How do you do if there are 30 or 40 percent of people with ‘Very good’? Air currency? “He asked, saying it would be better to give all workers a single extra day of vacation, rather than a measure that” only creates division. “

The communist mayor Carlos Almeida, for his part, received the same criticism, but added that it is not clear why the agreement with the STAL-Union of Local Administration Workers, “the most representative of the sector”, was not signed either.

Rio counters

Regarding the criticisms of the PS, Rio said that the possibility that all municipal workers and the entire public function of the country have three more days of vacation depends on the socialist government: “If the Government wants, it can revoke the cut that was decided in the moment of troika ”.

He said that the attribution of more vacation days to only a part of the workers aims at assessing their professional performance, within the framework of an evaluation carried out using a system that was approved by the current Government. Regarding the absence of STAL de Braga in the agreement, he highlighted that this union followed the national orientation of not supporting the agreement.


Another issue that provoked discussion was the acquisition of two thousand computers assumed by the Chamber and already delivered to the schools of the municipality, an issue raised by the PS. Rio explained that the Chamber invested in computers because it had been warned that it could do so with an application to the remaining funds from the current Community Support Framework. He continued with the tender for the purchase, but then he faced the government’s decision to purchase computer equipment for all the schools in the country: “If they had informed us in time, we would not have bought them. Now it is done and they are in the hands of the schools that can lend them to the students who need them ”.

The mayor took the opportunity to “throw a splinter” at councilor Artur Feiom, challenging him to “strip the PS shirt” when it comes to municipal interests. To which Feio replied that he does it whenever he sees fit and not in the interest of the majority.
