Brexit. Thousands of Europeans could lose the right to live in the UK


Isick or ill, precarious workers, prisoners, children in the custody of social services or simply people without Internet access or with little knowledge of the English language run the risk of missing the application period for Europeans until June of 2021.

“Behind the large number of requests there is a context of thousands of people who are not informed about their rights and how exercisethe. This will create a lot of problems in 2021, “Alexandra warned today. Round, one of the leaders of the movement, at a press conference.

The young Romanian gave the example of a person some 30 years ago in the United Kingdom, who speaks English well and has the documentation to prove the right of residence, but who nevertheless asked for help to complete the process.

According to the Ministry of the Interior britat the end of October 4.26 million applications were submitted.

At the end of September, the ministry had processed almost 3.9 million applications from European citizens and also from Islandia, Switzerland, Norway and Liechtenstein, which benefit from free movement in the EU, of which 296,850 are applications from Portuguese citizens.

This value does not match directly the number of candidates, since the system duplicates the cases of people who first received provisional status and then applied for permanent status.

Permanent status (‘established status’) is granted to UK residents for at least five years and provisional status (‘pre-established status’) to those who have been in the country for less than five years.

Tahmid Chowdhury, from the “Here for Good” Association, reported estimates that “300,000 to 400,000 children [europeias] They are in a situation of extreme vulnerability “and they are not receiving support to make the candidacy and some 3,000 European prisoners are serving sentences of less than five years, potentially eligible for resident status.”

The immigration regularization system [settlement scheme], open inscope Exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU), closes June 2021, but applicants must provide proof that they have established their residence in the UK by 31 December, when freedom of movement for movement ends due to the end of the post-transition periodBrexi.

In the first six months of 2021 there is a “period of tolerateancia“where eligible European citizens will still be able to complete registration to continue to have access to the labor market, health and education services, as well as social support.

From 01 of janeiro By 2021, Europeans who want to settle in the UK will have to meet the requirements of the new immigration law, such as an employment contract, knowledge of the English language and a minimum wage.

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