“Brexit”: British government warns of riots in the first days of the year | European Union


The British Government expects some “turbulent moments” at the beginning of the year, when the agreement reached with the European Union to regulate relations between the United Kingdom and the European bloc enters into force.

Approved on Christmas Eve, after long months of negotiations, the agreement avoids a scenario of disruption in the transport of goods and people as of January 1, 2021 -when the Brexit transition period ends- but a period of certain uncertainty is expected and confusion with the new rules.

“I am sure there will be difficult times, but we are here to do everything we can to pave the way,” British Minister Michael Gove said in an interview with the BBC on Monday.

The main concern of British leaders is related to the different rules that apply to trade with the countries of the European Union and also to the regime of Northern Ireland. Gove said British companies have “very little time” to adapt to the new rules.

“The nature of our new relationship with the EU, outside of the single market and the customs union, means that there are practical and procedural changes that businesses and citizens need to prepare for,” Gove said. “We know there will be some disruptions as we adapt to new ways of doing business with the EU, so it is vital that we take the necessary actions now,” he added.

Gove also left notices for British travelers who gathered in the EU earlier this year to purchase comprehensive travel insurance, to verify roaming, and make sure they have a passport valid for at least six months.

Britain’s Parliament will vote on the text of the deal on Wednesday. Fishermen’s associations met with criticism the new provisions on fishing quotas in British waters – There will be a 25% cut in access for European ships, but the sector wanted it to be 60%. This was one of the issues that kept the negotiations impasse.

EU ambassadors gave the green light to the deal on Monday, starting the process of formal approval of the text by the European side.
