Brexit. Boris Johnson “very satisfied” with an agreement worth more than 540,000 million euros a year – O Jornal Económico


Boris Johnson welcomed the agreement reached for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU), calling it “the largest free trade agreement ever signed”. At a press conference on Thursday afternoon, the British prime minister stressed that the deal is also good for “European friends.”

“People voted to regain control of their money, their borders, their waters and leave the EU,” began by highlighting Boris Johnson, who defended the efforts of his Government in recent months to finalize this agreement.

“Many said that the challenges posed by the pandemic would make this process impossible and, therefore, that we should ask for an extension of the transition period. I rejected this possibility precisely because winning Covid-19 should be our number one national priority, ”justified the Prime Minister, who thus argues that his executive will be more focused on fighting the pandemic without the concern of Brexit.

Boris Johnson said he was “very satisfied” with obtaining this agreement, which “is worth 660 billion pounds (541.3 billion euros) a year” in a design similar to the one signed with Canada that protects jobs and assets. . of each block are traded in the market “without being subject to tariffs or quotas.”

“It does not seem bad for the EU to have a prosperous, dynamic and satisfied UK on its doorstep. It will be good, it will be an engine of jobs and prosperity across the continent. It doesn’t seem bad to us, in the UK, to have a different approach to legislation, because on many points we have common goals, ”Johnson said.

“We will be your friends, your allies and your supporters, never forgetting that we are also your main market,” summed up the Prime Minister, who foresees a better relationship now than when the UK was an EU member state.

Even so, if “any of the parties feels aggrieved”, there are arbitration mechanisms by third parties that allow the blocs, “as similar sovereigns”, to take actions to overcome this situation, despite the fact that the “treaty explicitly provides that such actions happen infrequently ”, he clarifies.

After months of stalemate, the EU and the UK were finally able to announce an exit agreement for the British, who had voted in favor of this outcome in 2016. As of January 1, 2021, the UK will finally be out of HUH.
