Brazil’s attorney general begins to decide Bolsonaro’s future


The Attorney General of the Republic of Brazil listens from this Monday and until Thursday, ten statements that may be decisive for filing a complaint against Jair Bolsonaro.

Following the testimony of former Justice Minister Sergio Moro, the President of Brazil can be accused of privileged passive corruption, obstruction of justice and administrative defense for trying to interfere with the autonomy of the federal police.

Today’s testimonies will be, among others, Maurício Valeixo, Moro’s right-hand man in the police that Bolsonaro dismissed, and Alexandre Ramagem, the friend of the presidential family chosen to take his place.

Then, three ministers will be heard, all of them generals very close to Bolsonaro, who were in a meeting in which Moro complained of interference.

Finally, Carla Zambelli, a congresswoman on a scholarship who suggested to Moro, by message of an application, a place on the Supreme Court in exchange for agreeing to change the chief of police.

If the Attorney General’s Office concludes that there is a matter to denounce Bolsonaro, it will be up to the Chamber of Deputies to approve or not to continue the investigations.
