Brazilian police deny João Loureiro: former president of Boavista traveled by jet with cocaine – Fora de Campo


The leader of the investigation contradicts the version presented.

Elvis Secco, from the Brazilian Federal Police, denied this Friday, in statements to RTP, the version presented by João Loureiro about the plane that took place in Salvador de Bahía with more than 500 kilos of cocaine. Contrary to what the former president of Boavista said, João Loureiro would have been inside the jet in question.

According to the leader of the investigation, both João Loureiro and the Spanish businessman Mansur Heredia will have traveled between São Paulo and Salvador in the jet in question, which at that time already had the drug in the fuselage. “The drug could have been placed in São Paulo or it could have been even earlier. Everything is being investigated. Salvador is completely ruled out,” said the official, who explained that João Loureiro was released because there was no evidence to prove it. that stopped. On the other hand, the businessmen Hugo Cajuda and Bruno de Carvalho Santos revealed that they had been with João Loureiro in Salvador on the day of the drug seizure, this when the former Boavista leader, according to their version, would be in São Paulo.

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