Brazil passes 90 thousand cases of Covid-19 and reaches 6,329 deaths | Coronavirus – Latest news about Coronavirus


Brazil reached 91,589 confirmed cases of Covid-19, caused by the new coronavirus. There are 6,209 new cases. There are still 6,329 deaths recorded as of this Thursday, April 30 (April 30). There are 428 more deaths than the previous day. The fatality rate of the disease in the country is 6.9%. São Paulo continues with the highest number of cases and deaths, with 30,374 and 2,511 respectively.

As of Thursday 30, Brazil had 7,218 deaths and 85,380 confirmed cases.

The name “crown” is due to the crown of thorns that surrounds it. These spines are surrounded by a layer of fat that is removed from human cells. It enters this layer of fat to invade other cells. Without this thin layer of fat, the coronavirus dies.

Coronaviruses are transmitted through the air and mucous membranes. The virus survives for a long time by sneezing and coughing up droplets. To avoid contamination through the drops, it is recommended to stay at least five feet from people who cough or sneeze.

The virus is also in aerosol drops. They are so small and thin that they are suspended in the air, and they mainly contaminate people who are indoors with air conditioning.

Wash your hands frequently

Wash your hands regularly with gel alcohol or soap and water. Alcohol and soap kill viruses that may be on your hands.

Maintain social distance

Keep at least a meter or two meters between you and people who cough or sneeze. The Covid-19 virus is transmitted by droplets found in the nasal discharge and saliva. The distance between people with flu symptoms prevents the drops from reaching you.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Hands touch all kinds of surfaces and can catch viruses. Once contaminated, the hands can transfer the virus to the eyes, nose, and mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and make you sick.

Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze

When surrounded by people, cover your mouth with the curve of your elbow when you sneeze or cough. It is also possible to use handkerchiefs, which should be discarded immediately after use; fold them with the used part inwards to avoid the spread of the virus.

If you have a fever, cough, and shortness of breath, call the health center.

If you feel bad, stay home. If you have symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath, call the nearest health center. After the call, health agents will tell you what to do: if you should stay home, if they will refer you to a professional or if you can go to an Emergency Care Unit (UPA).

The signs of the new coronavirus look like those of a common flu:

– fever

– Dry cough


– Difficulty breathing in some cases

– There may be pain in the body.

– nasal congestion

– Runny nose

– Sore throat

– There are cases of diarrhea.

– There may be an infection of the lower respiratory tract, as in pneumonia.

There are people who do not develop any symptoms.

Average incubation period: five days, with intervals reaching 12 days, period in which the first symptoms appear since infection.

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