Braga with 15% of new cases in the first week of deflation in Portugal – Vilaverdense


At this Sunday’s press conference for the release of covid-19 data, the Minister of Health also mentioned a more detailed analysis of confirmed cases between the period of May 1 to 7.. This week, the Braga district accounted for 15 and of new cases in the country.

In that period, there were 2,078 more confirmed cases, but there was only complete information in the system on 1,999 cases (92%).

In this period, according to Marta Temido, “55% of the cases corresponded to women, 17% to the age group above 80 years and 16% to the age group between 30 and 39 years. 36% of the cases resided in the Lisbon district, 15% in the Porto district and 15% in the Braga district.


43% of the cases were symptomatic and 30% asymptomatic, with no recorded information on the clinical presentation of the others, who requested that this information be provided.

In this period, and in cases where there was a record of the place where they contracted the infection, 32% would have contracted in a family environment, 32% among cohabitants, 19% in a work environment and 7% in an environment Social. There were also 4% of cases where the infection was among professionals who work in social structures for the elderly and 3% among health professionals.

There were outbreaks in 52 residential structures for the elderly in this period, as well as 13 private companies and the continuation of outbreaks that had previously been detected in temporary housing units for asylum seekers.

“It is in these approaches, above all, that our performance in developing more assertive public health will continue to focus,” said Marta Temido.

Since March 1, more than 530,000 tests have been performed, 65% of which were carried out in April and almost 20% in the first days of May. From March 1 to 31, almost 80 thousand tests were carried out, in April 347 thousand tests and from May 1 to 8, more than 105 thousand tests were carried out.

The April average was 11,500 tests per day, with the May average exceeding 13,000 tests per day, while 5.6 and 7 of this month even exceeded 15,000 tests per day.

“The deconfiguration strategy is based on tests, tests, tests”, the minister reiterated, not only of suspicious cases, but of prevention in groups considered at risk. After homes, it is now being done in nurseries.

With regard to the nurseries, whose activity resumes on May 18 or June 1, the minister says that work is being done to ensure that the nursery professionals carry out their tests.

“It is rigorous work, like it was done in homes,” he said.

The general director of Health, Graça Freitas, indicated that the rules of good practice for nurseries were widely discussed. “These last few days have been an intense contact between Health and the Ministry of Labor and the partners involved to find a balance between health and safety, prevention and infection control,” he said, indicating that only later will official measures be taken. Indications
