Bottles thrown at the police and coffins on fire. The Porto demonstration in pictures – Observer


A group of businessmen from the restaurant, bar and commerce sector threw bottles at PSP agents this Friday and burned coffins during a demonstration on Avenida dos Aliados, in Porto.

This protest, which started around 4 p.m. and ended around 6:30 p.m. and that brought together more than a thousand businessmen who challenge the restrictive measures Imposed by the Government of António Costa to stop the Covid-19 pandemic, there were moments of great tension – there was a record of “contempt” with the police in the middle of the afternoon.

Besides the throwing bottles at elements of the security forces, the protesters put coffins [simbolizando a morte do setor] to burn, forcing police intervention. PSP agents explained to Lusa that the clashes began when the protesters tried to put out the flames of a coffin that burned next to the statue of Almeida Garrett, in Praça General Humberto Delgado.

In circumstances where even the PSP agents heard by Lusa fail to clarify, at a time when the police approached the protesters, they began to launch bottles and stones against agents and against police van which was on the right side of the Porto City Hall building (downhill from Avenida dos Aliados).

Port. Clashes in protest of restaurant businessmen

According to the police at the scene, until approximately 6:15 p.m. no arrests had been madeHowever, it was necessary to reinforce police surveillance on Avenida dos Aliados, and four more police intervention teams were summoned, each with about five elements. The spirits calmed down, even before the arrival of the police reinforcement. However, SIC Notícias said that one of the protesters was identified by authorities.

“Costa: make another proposal”, “They are killing those who do not have Covid” and “Nine months to be born, nine months to die” are some of the posters hanging on the stairs of the Porto City Council and that show the discontent of the sector . Armed with pans, wooden spoons, pots and other utensils, the Entrepreneurs consider the support measures announced by the Government “insufficient”.

The spokesperson for the “A Pão e Água” movement described the contempt during the demonstration as a reflection of the “desperation” in which the entrepreneurs of restaurants, bars and shops find themselves.

“Is [desacatos] is he clear example of the state of despair in which people find themselves right now ”, Miguel Camões, spokesman for the“ A Pão e Água ”movement and president of the Movida do Porto Association of Bars and Clubs, told Lusa. According to Miguel Camões, the contempt reflects “the state of despair” of those who, after “so many months in a spirit of sacrifice”, do not have “bread to put on the table”.

The Prime Minister considered the demonstration “legitimate”, but condemned the throwing of bottles and left a call for serenity. António Costa assumed this position in statements to RTP, moments before entering the Teatro da Trindade, in Lisbon.

It is clear that many people are suffering greatly. People who will have to stay home will suffer. And there are sectors such as hotels, restaurants, commerce, which will suffer especially ”, declared the Prime Minister.

António Costa stood out after this the demonstration was “legitimate, but throwing bottles is never legitimate”. “People need to calm down. And let’s make this effort, because it is an effort for the good of all,” he said.

The mayor of Porto said that the situation in catering and related sectors is “completely dramatic” and that “more support is needed”, considering that before March or April “it is unlikely that circumstances will return to normal.”

What is happening in this sector is a completely dramatic situation, we are talking about tens of thousands of jobs lost or about to be lost, financing measures that were given to small companies that do not solve anything, only postpone the problem ”. Rui Moreira said.

The mayor, present in the “A Pão e Água” movement, stated that “more support is needed”.

“It depends a lot on how long this situation takes, but if we make a reasonable prediction that, before March or April the circumstances hardly return to normalI think more support is needed ”, he said, arguing that“ this time ”the support should be based on the turnover and the reality of the companies.

It has to be direct financing to companies, a bit like, by the way, the Prime Minister announced on Thursday. It has to be based on what was the turnover of the companies and the reality of the companies “, said the independent Rui Moreira.

And he added: “When they tell me that this does not apply to companies that have debts with social security, I apologize that these companies have debts with social security because they had to pay staff. I would say that here there must be companies that in March and April were up to date with their social security and taxes ”.

Asked about the support of the municipality, Rui Moreira said that he had already announced exemption from fees and licenses until the end of next year. “We are thinking of the end of 2021 of exemption from fees and licenses. We also had for a long time the total exemption of the payment for those who are municipal tenants, at this moment it is 50% and we admit it to 100% if so, “he revealed.

Questioned more about the duty of the curfew, Rui Moreira did not want to comment, and only said that the municipality tried to “always do the opposite.” “After the measures taken, send whoever can, whoever must obey. On the part of the city, we always try to do the opposite, lengthen the hours in what they allowed us, ”he said.
