Bolsonaro used false names to test covid-19


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro tested negative for the new coronavirus in March, according to official documents released Wednesday to the Federal Supreme Court (STF).

Bolsonaro used the pseudonyms “Airton Guedes” and “Rafael Augusto Alves da Costa Ferraz” when conducting medical examinations, arguing that he did it for security, image preservation and privacy reasons. However, he assured his identification by presenting personal data, such as his identification card number and the equivalent in Portugal to the tax identification number.

“I always said to the doctor, ‘Put on a fancy name because … someone can do something strange.’ Every test I do has a code,” Bolsonaro told reporters last month.

In the early hours of this Wednesday, the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation (AGU), an agency that represents the interests of the Government in judicial proceedings, delivered two of the examinations carried out by the head of state to the STF and, hours later, carried out a third test, the realization of which was not public.

Bolsonaro underwent tests for the new coronavirus after returning from a trip to the United States of America (USA) and stated, on his social media accounts, that the two tests were negative.

However, the Brazilian head of state did not present any opinion, photo or copy of the exams, a fact that led the newspaper “O Estado de S. Paulo” to file a lawsuit asking for access to the results.

The lawsuit filed by the Brazilian newspaper obtained a favorable decision in two courts, but the AGU appealed and obtained the right not to disclose the examinations in a decision made by the Superior Court of Justice (STJ).

The case was taken to the STF, the last instance of the Brazilian justice, which received the examinations around 10 pm on Tuesday (2 am this Wednesday in Lisbon).

With the tests presented now, Jair Bolsonaro is known to have performed the first test on March 12, after having undergone a new test five days later, both in the Sabin laboratory and under different names. The last test was carried out on March 18 by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), identified as “patient 05”.

In March, at least 23 people who were with Bolsonaro on a trip to the United States tested positive for the new coronavirus, among them the ministers of the Office of Institutional Security, Augusto Heleno, and of Mines and Energy, Bento Albuquerque, both older 60 years. , in addition to the Government Communication Secretary, Fábio Wajngarten.

Earlier this month, the spokesman for the Brazilian Presidency, General Otávio do Rêgo Barros, 59, also tested positive for the new coronavirus.

Brazil has 177589 confirmed cases and 12,400 deaths caused by the new coronavirus, a disease officially detected in the country for the first time on February 26.
