Bolsonaro ‘caught’ coughing hundreds of followers during the speech


Jair Twitter, President of Brazil, has had a disagreement regarding social distance measures and confinement proposed by health experts.

Brazil’s top leader argues that the country should opt for vertical isolation, in which only the elderly and at-risk groups are confined, and thus has walked the streets of Brasilia, including, often greeting the protesters and supporters

Now, this Sunday, during a speech before hundreds of supporters Who met in Brasilia to ask for military intervention and the end of social isolation, the Brazilian president was caught coughing and with apparent difficulty breathing.

“We don’t want to negotiate anything. We want action for Brazil The old was left behind, we have a new Brazil ahead of us. (…) season of the rascal. Now it’s the people in power, “he said. Twitter in one of the excerpts from his speech.

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