BOLA – The management responds to the accusations of SAD (Feirense)


In a statement, Feirense management responded to the club’s SAD allegations and regretted that “creative interpretations” are being made about the investment in the club.

Read the full statement:

«The Clube Desportivo Feirense held, yesterday, a General Assembly, where it proceeded to clarify to the Associates about the institutional relations between the Club and SAD.

From now on, the CD Feirense reiterates that it will not yield to the usual level of the statements made in a statement from the SAD about the president Rodrigo Nunes, who has been with the club since he was born, has been Feirense at some time and has not appeared from the nothing to make your way as a climber. the complexities of soccer.

The work of the president and the teams he has led over the years says more than we could write and is in full view. For the record, the distorted reality of which he is accused is similar to that of the entire club, in contrast to the virtual reality that SAD aims to transmit.

SAD’s loan for the Complex’s works has so far been 750,000 euros – and it should have been 1,000,000, as contracted, the claim that SAD has gone “beyond the contract” is not perceived. If there are people on the SAD team who consider this enough to say that they are responsible for a work whose investment is around 10 million, CD Feirense will leave this creative interpretation to those who make it.

The elected bodies of the CD Feirense are obliged to enforce the contract signed in 2015, approved unanimously by the General Assembly, so a comma does not change to what was mentioned in the Assembly yesterday by the Governing Bodies, where SAD could have been refute whatever he understood, but chose not to.

It is true that, since January, the invoices have not been paid by the SAD, nor have any bank guarantees been presented, as they are contracted, something that no one can deny. This last question was central to the choice of the SAD investor.

The CD Feirense reiterates that it is fulfilling its part, unlike the SAD, and it is this fulfillment that the Governing Bodies will not stop demanding while they are sent by the Associates.

CD Feirense will continue, as before, trying to find an understanding with SAD, with the characteristic elevation over 102 years of a history of honor, seriousness and commitment to the truth.
