BOLA – Suspicious offshore company in the transfer of Walter (FC Porto)


The connections between the SAD of FC Porto and Lalanda e Castro, former leader of the pharmaceutical company Octapharm Portugal and accused in the case of the Blood Mafia, are being investigated by the Public Ministry for the investment of that businessman in the purchase of the player Walter’s pass , for € 6 million, from International to blues and whites, in 2010.

At stake will be the origin of the capital that Lalanda e Castro used to participate in the financing of the aforementioned footballer pass, specifically the use of € 2 M from an offshore company in the British Virgin Islands, called Ruby Capital Corporation, which will have as beneficiary Lalanda and whose name, in addition, will already be known by the MP, precisely because of the investigations in the case of the Blood Mafia.

The SAD of FC Porto commented on the investigation, recalling that the judicial inspectors requested documents related to the association and the acquisition of the footballer, which had been delivered promptly.

Although Lalanda e Castro is the target of the investigation, the Public Ministry deepens the contours of the connection with FC Porto and tries to determine to what extent SAD Portoista would have knowledge about the origins of the financing of Lalanda and Castro.

There are suspicions of tax fraud and money laundering and, in addition to the raids at the SAD facilities for whites and blues, the MP also carried out them at the headquarters of Convida – Investimentos Imobiliários e Turísticos, SA, the company chosen by Lalanda e Castro to invest in the Brazilian forward pass.
