BOLA – ‘Serving Benfica’ criticizes the honor commissions (Benfica)


The Movement at the Service of Benfica, whose presidential candidate is Francisco Benítez, also commented, through a statement, the controversy surrounding António Costa’s support for Luís Filipe Vieira, highlighting that “the Honor Commissions are nothing more than galleries of vanity”. .

Here is the statement:

«With regard to the recent news about the alleged inclusion of two personalities from political life, both from the countryside and from the city of Lisbon, namely, the Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic and the Mayor of Lisbon, in the” Commission of Honor “of the reevaluation of Luís Filipe Vieira, the Movement comes to mention the following:

1 – The Movement advocates that the responsibilities of all citizens who hold public office, whether legislative, executive or judicial, be clearly separated from any type of interference in the active life of sports clubs. The Movement proposes, in the program already presented, several proposals to increase transparency in the club, this being one of the pillars of the candidacy. Furthermore, it undertakes to promote the approval of an ethical charter of Valores Sport Lisboa e Benfica at the General Meeting, in accordance with point C12 of the program.

2 – However, the Movement cannot fail to warn that, as serious as the inclusion in a supposed list of “Honor” in support of a presidential candidate, is the inclusion in lists of candidates for positions in a club, be they of executive or consulting character, as happened recently within the Futebol Clube do Porto, during its own electoral process, with much less media relevance provided by both political actors and the general public. We just want to believe that, due to the unique greatness of Benfica.

3- Forgetting, certainly by mere distraction, the previous point, Jorge Nuno Pinto da Costa spoke about the electoral act of our Club, sending a message of disbelief to all the opposition. It makes sense: he would like to keep his old friend Luís Filipe Vieira in the presidency, because to his tremendous incompetence in the last legislature he owes much of what has allowed the Futebol Clube do Porto to keep afloat in the last three years, either due to Benfica’s inability to build a devastating team in Portuguese football, either through friendships and shared support for the governing bodies of the FPF and the League. In addition to the measures mentioned in the Movement’s program regarding the careful reinforcement of the soccer team and the retention of talent, to strengthen the team and legitimize the natural ambitions to achieve true hegemony in Portugal and good results in Europe, Francisco Benítez already it was very clear to him. to the relations between the Club and the highest levels of Portuguese football – Benfica to be respected must be respected, and to give respect is to demand that Benfica be, without being privileged, because no club should be respected as the greatest Portuguese club that it is , and that implies a clear change in who in the FPF and Liga has not respected Benfica.

4 – The Movement reinforces that the creation of these traditional “Commissions of Honor” – which are nothing more than vanity galleries where the names of the media parade, affirming their “support” for the candidates for the Social Corps of Sports Lisbon and Benfica – is, by definition, an affront to the values ​​on which Sport Lisboa e Benfica was built. Citing point 1 of article 2 of the Statutes: “SPORT LISBOA E BENFICA is made up of an unlimited number of partners whose qualification results only from their respective seniority and the prizes awarded, without differentiating for reasons of race, gender, sex, ancestry , language, nationality or territory of origin, economic and social condition and political, ideological and religious beliefs “;

5 – makes the Movement known to all those who identify with the proposed values, which are nothing more than those that constitute the genesis of Benfiquismo, who can be considered members of the Committee of Honor of this Movement! Honor us with your Benfiquismo, we will do everything possible to honor you with ours. In fact, it is only one. We only know one benfiquismo.

6 – The Movement has in its program several proposals to strengthen the connection between the Club and its mass adept. It is essential to strengthen support for supporters through the creation of the figure of the Ombudsman to facilitate the connection between the management and supporters, the legal support office for situations in which supporters and members of this need for situations occurred in relation to Benfica, such as the case of the attack on a hobby in Guimarães or the cowardly attack on a Casa do Benfica bus in Braga, as well as the reduction of the membership fee or the proposal that ensures that no partner you will be left behind in a difficult situation allowing a period of exemption from contributions to be paid later.

7 – Benfica belongs to everyone, everyone alike, and everyone is, or should be, the same against Sport Lisboa e Benfica, from the most humble Benfica fan who loses sleep when Benfica does not win, to the most illustrious Benfica fan effusively celebrating a title won with champagne. Benfica was never the scene of “notables”. Benfica is, was and will always be the property of all those who really love Benfica, and suffer equally from the love that is common: the love for the Glorious, the love for the greatest Portuguese club. Serving you your way. It makes sense! “
