BOLA – SAD accuses the president of the club of “distorting reality” (Feirense)


In a statement, SAD do Feirense accused the club’s president, Rodrigo Nunes, of “distorting reality to play a leading role” during the last General Assembly. In question, the lack of payment of the last two bills for the use and maintenance of the sports complex and the stadium, an amount that exceeds 200 thousand euros.

Read the full statement from SAD do Feirense:

«General Assembly of the Clube Desportivo Feirense on September 19, 2020

CD Feirense – Futebol, SAD took due note of the statements of the Chairman of the Board of Clube Desportivo Feirense, shareholder and club that founded this SAD.

At a time when the Club, its members and SAD must go hand in hand with the sole objective of returning to the Premier League, once again the president of the Club’s Management, Mr. Rodrigo Nunes, distorts reality with the objective of having a leading role and then in a General Assembly that should serve to clarify the partners.

It should be noted that the SAD did not attend, having informed the Chairman of the Board three days in advance that it would not be present, since this week it reached an agreement with the Club on the matter of lawn maintenance. For this reason and also to avoid concentrations of people in times of pandemic, he understood that it would not be necessary to be present at the General Assembly and that it could not be done.

In light of the facts revealed in today’s General Assembly and because the members of the Clube Desportivo Feirense deserve the greatest respect, the Administration of CD Feirense SAD clarifies the following:

1. The SAD does not confuse the great institution Clube Desportivo Feirense and its members with Mr. Rodrigo Nunes.

2. CD Feirense SAD and its shareholder Tavistock have made a notable investment in their activity and in the Club’s sports infrastructures, being Clube Desportivo Feirense, with the investment made by SAD and Tavistock, which amounts to: 1,000. 000 Euros with the acquisition of SAD; more than 1,300,000 euros in infrastructure (although the professional wing of the sports center remains to be completed); 240,000 euros loaned by Tavistock to the Club so as not to lose its participation in the capital stock of SAD; 450,000 euros for the use of the facilities and maintenance, not counting the continuous investment in football, supported only by Tavistock and without any investment by the Club that holds 30% of SAD. Thanks to all this investment, the Club today owns one of the main soccer sports parks in Portugal, which involves a modern stadium and one of the best sports complexes in this country. It is important to point out, and as our associates and supporters know, the complex’s works have been stopped for 12 years and only in the last 5, since the entry of this SAD, have they been resumed and their development and growth is noticeable.

3. From a sporting point of view, since 2015, SAD has raised the Feirense name to levels never before achieved and that cannot be ignored.

4. All this investment in infrastructures and sports, which ensures and will ensure the sporting and economic sustainability of the Club and CD Feirense SAD, was only possible, because, since 2015, Tavistock, decided to invest in Feirense, something that at least would deserve, a public thanks from the president of our founding club.

5. Tavistock has always complied with the agreement with the Club and has gone far beyond what was contracted with the Club, having invested 500,000 euros above what it had initially contracted with the Club, since Tavistock believes in this sporting project.

6. CD Feirense SAD is a sports company with a good name, which pays on time, fulfills its obligations and has always fulfilled the Clube Desportivo Feirense.

7. In fact, CD Feirense SAD did not pay the last two invoices for the use and maintenance of the Sports Center and Stadium for the amount of 218,000 euros, but this non-payment has several justifications that the President knows and decided to ignore, namely:

I. This week it was agreed to pay an invoice for the first round of the 2020/21 championship, with CD Feirense SAD also supporting the hiring of a quality control company and paying, as always, six months in advance. ;

II. The maintenance services provided by the Club were not adequately provided in the 2019/2020 sports season

III. Between May 21, 2019 and June 30, 2020, No. 2 turf was banned and services were poorly provided; and

IV. Between 03-12-2020 and 07-02-2020, SAD did not use the lawns and facilities due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it does not make sense that the Club wants to take advantage of this situation and collect what it knows I have no rights;

V. The part of the invoices that corresponds to the 50,000 euros of the reinforcement due to the U-23 depended on the presentation of the respective expenses, which the Club never did. What was agreed is that the SAD would pay an additional expense for the U-23 training sessions and matches, up to the amount of 50,000 euros, upon presentation by the Club of the added costs, which, to date, have never been presented.

8. The Administration of the CD Feirense SAD, since the beginning of 2020, which draws the attention of the Club to the poor way in which services were provided, with detriment to the sports performance of our soccer teams, player injuries, training not trained, forcing this SAD to rent facilities for U23 training and matches and a set of many other situations that have been forgotten today. Marcolino Castro’s turf was also attacked by the Portugal League, which even forced the intervention of an external team in the face of the state in which it was, which only shows the poor form of the Club’s services.

9. For more than seven months we tried to resolve these situations with the Club and reach an agreement, requesting numerous meetings and leaving no response. The answer, if there was one, was always intransigence or simply ignoring SAD and its Administration.

10. The share purchase agreement signed on 10/02/2015 between the Club and Tavistock, establishes that the Tavistock shareholder will have, as a guarantee of the budgets, present “a bank guarantee or other form of guarantee”. By another form of guarantee, another form of guarantee can be understood. The SAD Administration confirms that this obligation was already fulfilled on 09/17/2020, so it is not even clear why this issue was raised.

11. The public statements of the President of the Board of Directors are, in the opinion of SAD, contrary to the social interest of SAD, contrary to the interests of the Club as a shareholder (devaluing the good name of its subsidiary), they aim to destabilize SAD and damage the relationship between Club and SAD.

A thank you to the members and followers of the Clube Desportivo Feirense because we know that they are grateful and that they always follow us.

We conclude by saying that SAD only wants peace, quiet, tranquility and a lot of sporting success. They are words that we feel and say with conviction. We should all think this way. And after such an important victory for our team and at a time when we must all fight for a single sporting goal, the prominence of some and their concern for money is something that saddens us.
