BOLA – DGS explains Ronaldo’s departure from the country (Selection)


The director general of Health was asked about the situation of Cristiano Ronaldo, who after having a positive result for Covid-19 on Tuesday, followed in the early afternoon in an ambulance plane bound for Turin, Italy.

«What applies to Ronaldo is what applies to any player, there have already been two cases that returned to France where they were domiciled (José Fonte and Anthony Lopes), now this player returns to Italy where he is domiciled. Safe transportation is the responsibility of the patient, after being evaluated by a health authority. For example, you have to sign a declaration that you have the commitment to comply with the confinement, it is a term of responsibility, ”said Graça Freitas, who explained how the change of country works:

“The DGS informs the destination country that the citizen has started a period of isolation – or in this case it is really confinement, since it is positive – and goes to his residence. When it arrives, it is in the custody of the health authorities of the country to which it is destined. In the European Union, this is a mandatory procedure and we do it for both an anonymous person and an acquaintance. It is not the SNS that provides transportation, the person can leave with that commitment that they will be isolated. The other countries do the same for us.

The general director of Health also spoke of the differences between the procedures that are taken in the government – with ministers in isolation after contact with Minister Manuel Heitor, if it is positive – and in the selection, which has already had three positive cases. Graça Freitas recalled that the Portuguese players are together in the same space, “they are not in the community”, and there may have been a failure in their “bubble”.
