BOLA – Belenenses demands that the League stop calling the SAD team by the club’s name (Football)


The president of Clube Futebol ‘Os Belenenses’, Patrick Morais de Carvalho, said this Tuesday, through an open letter, asking the League of Clubs to stop treating the SAD team with the name of the Restelo club.

«If the Portuguese Professional Football League and its President do not change their behavior (as did the Portuguese Football Federation), the“ Os Belenenses ”Football Club will consider these practices as a usurpation and the provision of indispensable means to be committed crimes of Qualified disobedience every day, in addition to all the consequences in terms of industrial property, both for them and for their sponsors ”, you can read in the letter, which we transcribe in its entirety:

«Dear members and supporters,

The Belenenses are centenarians, one and indivisible.

As an elected representative of the members and fans who love this Club, a few days before the start of the First League, the time has come to take stock of the path we have taken in defending the Belenense identity, together with our members and followers .

In successive general assemblies that have taken place since June 2018, the associative mass and the fans of our Club have explained to the country and the sports community that there is only one Belenenses, centenary and indivisible.

Since then, Belenenses has nothing to do with the sports society that ignored the constructive challenge of the Club, that rejected dialogue, that left the Estádio do Restelo and that maintained an offensive dynamic of the Os Belenenses heritage.

Since June 30, 2018, B-SAD has usurped all the intangible heritage of Os Belenenses and, shortly after, began to violate a court ruling, sowing crimes of qualified disobedience in each area in which it is presented.

Among these stadiums, every 15 days, is the National Stadium of Jamor, administered by the IPDJ and supervised by the Secretary of State for Sports and Youth, characters who live well with the situation and who, according to the latest news, are preparing to review the legal framework of sports societies.

In due time the Club made its decision to permanently separate from the B-SAD, because in this revision of the law, the interests of the clubs are very poorly delivered and those sports societies that chose to fight them have already prepared the rockets and ordered another pig . in the spit through the deserted fanzonas, because they think that they will finally be able to lock the clubs in any dead end or with an exit even more painful than ours.

Meanwhile, we note the position of the Portuguese Football Federation, which last week in the draws of the competitions it organizes, has not managed to allow a team with which Belenenses has no connection -legal and affective- to perpetuate the confusion that constantly seeks and continues. to use our centennial name.

Naturally, we welcome this decision, saluting the Portuguese Football Federation and its president, Dr. Fernando Gomes, as the time is always right to do the right thing.

“B-SAD” and “B-SAD-B” were the names with which the FPF began to designate this entity. Today, the country knows that the body that represents Portugal before FIFA and UEFA calls the team B-SAD that insists on being confused with Belenenses, disrespecting judicial decisions.

We hope that the Portuguese Professional Football League and its President take a step forward, internalize the seriousness of this issue and that their sensitivity follows the same and correct sense of the FPF for the season that now begins.

I have often been asked why the Club does not take more drastic measures against various public and private entities.

I always understood the legitimate indignation of the partners, but I asked everyone for calm and a vote of confidence.

Since June 30, 2018, we have been fighting, every day, with our scarce resources and without the millions of US, for the defense of the tangible and intangible heritage of Os Belenenses. Since then, we have contradicted, in appropriate places, the daily behaviors of B-SAD to absorb all the value of Os Belenenses.

It has been a firm and patient struggle, of which we maintain an extensive correspondence, which allows us to demonstrate without any doubt that there is intense intention, full awareness and great intention in all those who, in addition to B-SAD and its leaders, give shelter . to B-SAD or accept their registration and enjoy their presentation as «Belenenses».

To make it clear:

The “Os Belenenses” Soccer Club does not authorize the use of its registered trademarks (or a part of them, in particular the word element “Belenenses”) by B-SAD, the Portuguese Professional Soccer League and the respective sponsoring entities when consult the B-SAD team.

If the Portuguese Professional Soccer League and its President do not change their behavior (as the Portuguese Soccer Federation did), the “Os Belenenses” Soccer Club will consider these practices as a usurpation and the provision of the indispensable means for their practice. , every day, crimes of qualified disobedience, in addition to all the consequences in terms of industrial property, both for them and for their sponsors.

To be clearer, when the championship begins next Friday, September 18, the B-SAD team cannot be presented by the Club League as “Belenenses”, nor as “Belenenses SAD”, ​​not to be confused. with our Club.

They also contribute to the crime that is being committed and our heritage usurped the IPDJ and the Secretary of State for Sports and Youth because they will continue to open the door of the National Stadium of Jamor so that B-SAD can climb the stairs and, from the highest, continue shooting on the tangible and intangible heritage of the Club.

Everyone is aware of all this, that is why I make a new call for you to stop mixing with the illegitimate interests of B-SAD and to seek a solution that does not allow the usurpation of the Os Belenenses patrimony.

It is not worthy of the League and its sponsors to make an unauthorized use of the Club’s brands and for the Portuguese State to provide the National Stadium of Jamor so that B-SAD can use it as a trench to combat court orders.

Once again I affirm that my administration has never tired of defending the heritage and the best interests of Os Belenenses, many times outside the media lights, but always in their own places.


Belenenses, there is only one!

He is consecrated and popular and plays at the Estádio do Restelo, with the Cross on his chest.

Belenenses is the one who was forced to start over at the bottom echelon of Portuguese football and who will reach his rightful place in his own right with honor and dignity.

With the certainty of winning! »
