Bloc will maintain the vote against in the State Budget because “the parliamentary process has not improved the proposal” – O Jornal Económico


The Political Committee of the Left Bloc will propose to the party’s National Bureau to maintain the general sense of the vote and vote against the final global proposal of State Budgets for 2021 (OE2021) this Thursday, justifying this decision with the result of the votes. in the specialty.

“The National Bureau observes that the parliamentary process has not improved the Budget proposal in terms that allow the Block to make it viable. Thus, the parliamentary group of the Left Bloc will maintain, in the final global vote, the vote against the OE2021 proposal ”, it can be read in the proposal that the political commission of the Bloc will take to the meeting in virtual format of the National Table that will meet. tonight.

The proposal of the Political Committee of the Bloc, to which the Economic Journal had access, is still conditioned to the votes that are taking place this afternoon and is based solely on known proposals and voting indications.

“The PS was based on the right to reject all these proposals, without at the same time having approved other proposals that guarantee a robust response to the crisis,” underlines the proposal to be approved by the blockers, underlining that the parliamentary group presented 12 proposals of modification of the Budget, classified as “central measures in the negotiation process started in July 2020 and structural in the face of the crisis”, with the aim of “protecting employment; supporting those who have lost wages and income and fighting poverty; strengthen the National Health Service; avoid more public losses with Novo Banco ”.

The Political Commission’s proposal also notes that the party “was involved in the negotiation of OE 2021 for several months, but the government maintained an intransigent stance on central issues, insisting on a minimal response that is out of place in the circumstances of a pandemic, economic and that is going through the country ”.
