BLITZ – Eating popcorn is prohibited in theaters in Portugal


The General Directorate of Health (DGS) announced that the consumption of popcorn and soft drinks was prohibited inside movie theaters as a way to minimize the risk of contagion by Covid-19.

This prohibition is part of the decree-law that regulates the new state of exception, in force since last Tuesday.

In the areas of consumption of cafes, restaurants and drinks of these cultural facilities, the guidelines defined by the DGS for the catering sector must be respected, and the consumption of food or drinks is not allowed inside the theaters or in the exhibition of motion pictures. “, you can read.

This ban was harshly criticized by the Portuguese Association for the Defense of Audiovisual Works, which accuses the DGS of “confusion.” “It is the icing on the cake to finish the activity,” said Paulo Santos, general director of this association. “It was the sale of popcorn and soft drinks that helped keep theaters open and active, but now, with this ban, many cinemas are going to close, even large ones, which cannot pay the rents,” he added.

“On airplanes you can eat without social distance, in restaurants you can eat well, with less distance than there is in movie theaters.” This measure, commented the director general, violates “constitutional provisions.”
