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Olga Roriz’s new choreography, entitled “Six months later”, a futuristic fiction, debuts today at the D. Maria II National Theater, in Lisbon, and will be included in the company’s tour this year and in 2021, with “Autopsy ”.

After the reflection expressed in “Autopsy”, released in November of last year, on the negative impact that the human being has been causing the planet, “Six months later” goes to the essence of Humanity, and develops in the near future , the characters looking for the past.

Zhora Fuji, Naoki 21, Dawnswir, Gael Bera Falin, Kepler 354, Priscilla Noir and Human Cat, the characters of the new choreography, live in the city of Tannhauser, in the year 2307, on planet Earth 3, according to the synopsis of the play.

The dance piece will debut today and will resume on Saturday and Sunday, on the stage of the D. Maria II National Theater, in Lisbon, with which it has a co-production, together with the Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão and the Municipality of Loulé . .

Completed after the outbreak of the pandemic, Olga Roriz’s new choreography, “Six months later”, will take the stage in its “lighter, calmer and happier” version, at the choice of the creator, who decided to “illuminate and elevate it” . there”.

“This anxiety that shook us all accompanied the creation of the show, but instead of depressing us, it had the opposite effect. I opted for the light, “he commented in a statement to the Lusa agency, a week before the premiere.

This creation was directed by Olga Roriz and, as interpreters, André de Campos, Beatriz Dias, Bruno Alves, Catarina Câmara, Francisco Rolo, Marta Lobato Faria, Yonel Serrano.

The soundtrack and video are by João Rapozo, the musical selection by Olga Roriz and João Rapozo, the set and costumes are by Olga Roriz and Ana Vaz, the lighting design by Cristina Piedade, the scenography, by Daniela Cardante and , the costume and props assistance, from Ana Sales.

Companhia Olga Roriz will be on tour on September 26 presenting “Autopsy” in Figueira da Foz, on October 3, “Six months later”, in Famalicão, on October 31, in Loulé, on November 27 at the Cultural Center of Ílhavo, and in 2021, on January 23 and 24, it will be the turn of “Autopsy” to take the stage at the São João National Theater, in Porto, and on February 13 at the Municipal Theater of Bragança.

In 2015, Olga Roriz celebrated 20 years of the company in her own name and 40 years of career, with a review of the piece “Private property” (1996), at the Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB), in Lisbon.

His repertoire in the area of ​​dance, theater and video consists of more than 90 works.

Pieces created and reassembled for Ballet Gulbenkian, National Ballet Company, Ballet Teatro Guaira (Brazil), Ballets de Monte Carlo, Ballet Nacional de España, English National Ballet, American Reportory Ballet and Alla Scala de Milan (Italy).

Born in Viana do Castelo in 1955, Olga Roriz studied classical ballet and modern dance with Margarida Abreu and Ana Ivanova, entered the School of Dance of the Lisbon National Conservatory and became the prima ballerina of the Gulbenkian Ballet, where she was later invited to choreograph. .

In 1995 he created the Companhia Olga Roriz, currently installed in the Pancas Palha Palace, on loan from the Lisbon City Council.

His repertoire includes, among others, the pieces “Pedro e Inês”, “Inferno”, “Start and Stop Again”, “Private property”, “Electra”, “Os Olhos de Gulay Cabbar”, “Nortada”, “Jump- Up-And-Kiss-Me “,” Pets “,” The Rite of Spring “,” Before they kill elephants “and” Syndrome “.

She was distinguished with the emblem of the Order of the Infante D. Henrique (2004), Grand Prize of the Portuguese Society of Authors (2008) and the Latinity Prize (2012), among other awards.
