Bill Gates warns that rich countries should eat synthetic meat


Last year, as we show you here, Bill Gates decided to dedicate himself exclusively to philanthropic causes, such as global health and development, education and the fight against climate change.

At the launch of his new book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” the philanthropist warned that rich countries should eat only synthetic meat, to avoid a climate catastrophe.

Bill gates

Bill Gates: beef consumption should be zero in rich countries

Although he is frequently associated with Microsoft because he was one of its co-founders, Bill Gates is involved in many other projects. In fact, he dedicates much of his time, as well as his money, to philanthropic causes.

For example, through the foundation named after his wife, Bill Gates injected millions of dollars to make the vaccine cheaper for developing countries.

Now, with the launch of his new book "How to avoid a climate disaster" (in Portuguese, how to avoid a climate disaster), Bill Gates asked the richest nations to start eating only 100 percent synthetic meat.

Beef production worries experts

Although it appears to be a radical conception, studies show that cow production is a major contributor to the emissions of a potent greenhouse gas, methane, which has reached record levels.

In fact, the amount of methane in the atmosphere increased dramatically between 2000 and 2017, leading researchers to believe that there will be an increase in global warming of 4 ° C by the end of the century.

In addition, scientists warn of the danger of this limit to which humanity is subject. This is because there are increasing risks associated with disasters caused by ecological disturbances.

Emissions from livestock and other ruminants are almost as large as those from the fossil fuel industry for methane. People joke about cow burps without realizing the actual size of the fountain.

Said Rob Jackson, a scientist at Stanford University.

Bill Gates book

Bill Gates described the problem as "very difficult" for MIT, as even compounds that reduce methane emissions are insufficient. In addition, he believes that people can get used to the taste of synthetic meat, which will improve over time.

Furthermore, the philanthropist reiterates that while it is possible for humanity to avoid a catastrophe through technological achievements, government policy will eventually be necessary.

Despite the fact that synthetic meat companies are underrepresented, Bill Gates believes that they are "on the way" to gain more relevance.
