Big Brother hero devastated after controversial attitude and risk of direct expulsion – a Boil


This Tuesday, Hélder caused a great controversy inside the ‘Big Brother’ house after a discriminatory attitude against his colleague Edmar.

The problem is a comment madeDuring the stress test it caused outrage among several competitors. Helder was holding the rope in the company of Soraia and Iury, when he ended up saying something offensive about one of the housemates.

Hélder do BB has a discriminatory attitude against Edmar

Contestants who saw the incident immediately rebuked the colleague when he said, “I’d rather be a womanizer than … “. Although the competitor has not completed the sentence, he ends up looking in Edmar’s direction, and appears to be talking about his colleague’s sexual orientation.

A behavior that is generating a lot of controversy inside and outside the house. On social media, viewers demand that Hélder be severely punished with a direct nomination or even expulsion from the program.

Cláudio Ramos will contact the home so that the competitor knows his “punishment”.
