Barroso to Expresso: “Unfortunately, there will be more pandemics”


The pandemic goes beyond the domain of national sovereignty and organizations like Gavi and Covax have a weak intervention in regulation. The governments of the countries that receive it are the ones that will send the vaccines to the citizens and will choose who will get vaccinated first. “The success of this operation is highly conditioned by the way in which countries distribute vaccines,” says Barroso.

We live in an age of active disinformation and conspiracy theories with powerful means of spread such as social media. How will Gavi help reduce resistance to vaccines?

Regardless, I prefer this to the moment when there was no freedom. I belong to a generation where nothing could be published in our country that was not authorized by censorship. I was 18 on April 25 and I remember it well. When people criticize what happens on social networks, which has extremely unpleasant and some dangerous aspects, the alternative is worse: there is no freedom or means of expression. If we believe in democracy and freedom, and I believe, we must win the fight against ideas. We have to go into combat, explain our arguments and win. There must be regulation, it is legitimate for our societies to organize themselves to prevent societies from being manipulated through disinformation. But this must be done very carefully because freedom is the essential value. Doubts about vaccines are increasing in advanced societies based on conspiracy theories. We have to counteract facts such as, for example, the African countries where the vaccine was applied and infant mortality has been drastically reduced compared to those where it is not vaccinated and there are tragic situations from a humanitarian point of view. There is a clear correlation between the clarification of the population and the results in terms of public health. We must win this debate without stifling freedoms. It is true that, in general, in relation to populism and xenophobia, the so-called traditional political media have been too defensive and have failed to react with agility, intelligence and energy on the media scene. They have to review their performance and win the debate. I think most people are sensible.
