Barroso to Expresso: “Science is compensating for the mistakes of public organization”


The states, including the richest and most technologically developed, were not prepared to react to the pandemic and the result is evaluated in terms of mortality, says Durão Barroso, former prime minister of Portugal, within a few days to start. In the early hours of 2021, the “mission” of presiding over the board of Gavi, the Global Alliance for Vaccines, which has immunization for 17 infectious diseases in its portfolio. Now there is the added urgency of covid-19. The ten years in which he presided over the European Commission will have weighed in the balance that chose him among the 115 candidates to head Gavi when the Covax platform was created, designed to facilitate and accelerate “the largest vaccination campaign in history.” The goal is to get 2 billion vaccines to citizens in just one year.

How will this mandate be exercised in the context of your life?
It is a mission that I accepted on a pro bono basis because I identify with the objectives of Gavi, which I already knew when I was president of the European Commission (EC) and I hosted a conference of this organization to which the EC, at the time, multiplied by four. financing. I have been interested in development aid for many years, specifically my stay at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, when I was Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. As much as I am interested in global governance.

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