Barcelona captains rebellion: ″ We will not tolerate that the club violates our rights ″


Messi, Sergi Roberto, Gerard Piqué and Sergio Busquets sent a letter to the president in which they consider the proposed salary reduction “shameful”

The ‘war’ between Bartomeu and the players over the proposed salary reduction continues to cause a sensation.

The continuation of the soap opera is now happening because the content of the letter sent by the captains to the club’s management has been made public.

The document, signed by Messi, Sergi Roberto, Gerard Piqué and Sergio Busquets, and released by El Mundo, describes Bartomeu’s intention as “shameful” and guarantees that the players “will not allow” attacks against their rights.

“We will not tolerate that the club violates our rights with the arguments it presented, considering that the only way to achieve its objective is through the joint action of all the groups and sectors of the club, while at the same time recognizing, entering into clear contradiction , that some of these groups and sectors have already made salary adjustments ”, you can read in the letter.

In the letter, the players still question the whole process: “We are ashamed that they have written that our rights are guaranteed, proposing the election of a representative at a table of 13 members, so that, in reality, our deterrent capacity is null” .

The Barcelona captains also revealed “discomfort and deep disappointment” over these “maneuvers by the club’s leaders” that they consider “without legal basis”, condemning the intention to unilaterally avenge their decisions, ignoring any dissenting opinion in this regard. “

The letter was sent last Tuesday and was also signed by Piqué, who Barcelona announced that same day that he had renewed his contract.
