Bangladeshi businessman is the first fatality under the age of 40 in Portugal


A Bangladeshi-born immigrant is the first fatality of covid-19 under the age of 40. He is a 29-year-old businessman from the Martim Moniz area of ​​Lisbon.

Jahirul Islam died on Monday at the Curry Cabral hospital in Lisbon, and was already buried on Tuesday in the Lumiar cemetery, according to the president of the Islamic Center of Bangladesh, Rana Taslim.

The victim was admitted to Curry Cabral on April 4 with her mother, both infected with the coronavirus. The mother is fine, recovering at home, according to Rana Taslim.

Jahirul Islam came to Portugal alone in 2011 and opened some businesses in Lisbon – It had a store, a restaurant and a hostel, according to the community leader. Leave the wife and daughter in Bangladesh, they were to come to Portugal. Meanwhile, his parents and a sister settled in Lisbon.

Today’s epidemiological bulletin from the General Directorate of Health reports eleven deaths from covid-19 registered in the country last Monday. Among them is this first death in the age group of 20 to 29 years. At Tuesday’s press conference, the Deputy Director-General for Health declined to clarify whether the victim had a disease other than Covid-19, which may have aggravated his condition.
