Banco CTT is the most sought after in mortgage loans and Novo Banco, BBVA and Abanca lead complaints in deposits – O Jornal Economico


In the first half of 2020, the number of complaints per 1,000 current deposit checking accounts, by institution, reveals that Novo Banco, Abanca, BBVA, Banco CTT and Ativobank are among the most reported for bank deposits.

But EuroBic, Novo Banco Açores and Bankinter are also on the list of those that had, on average, more than two complaints per quarter in 2020.

The complaints received at the Banco de Portugal for bank deposits were considered, regardless of whether the analysis detected non-compliance or irregularities by the institutions denounced.

In this case, the average for the sector is equivalent to 18 complaints per 100,000 demand deposit accounts.

It should be noted that there are other institutions that have been the subject of complaints for bank deposits ”. However, given that the number of complaints received by these institutions was less than that of the entities that received the highest number of complaints per thousand accounts, the supervisor decided, for representative reasons, not to include them. Banco Atlântico Europa is in this situation; Banco do Brasil AG – Branch in Portugal; Finantia Bank; o BNI – International Business Bank (Europe); BNP Paribas and Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo de Leiria.

Banco de Portugal reports that no complaints were received in relation to other relevant institutions in the area of ​​deposit accounts, this being the case of Banco BAI Europa, Banco Invest, Banco LJ Carregosa, Banco Português de Gestão, Caixa – Banco de Inversión, Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo do Bombarral, Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo da Chamusca, Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo de Mafra, Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo de Torres Vedras, Caixa Economica Misericórdia de Angra do Heroísmo – Caixa Económica Bancária, reveals the report.

Regarding the most demanded institutions in consumer credit, the winner is Volkswagen Bank GMBH – Sucursal en Portugal; followed by Caixa Leasing e Factoring – Sociedade Financeira de Crédito; the BNI (Europe); Abanca, branch in Portugal; CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, branch in Portugal; Mercedes-Benz Portugal Financial Services; RCI Banque, a branch in Portugal; Primus Bank; Wizink Bank, a branch in Portugal; BMW Bank, a branch in Portugal; Montepio Credit; ActiveBank; and Santander Consumer Portugal, among others that had, on average, more than two complaints per quarter in 2020.

The system average here is equivalent to 21 complaints for every 100,000 consumer credit contracts.

In the ranking of entities most claimed in mortgage and mortgage loans, Banco CTT leads again.

The institutions that, on average, had more than two complaints per quarter in 2020, and in addition to the bank led by Luís Pereia Coutinho, there is also BBVA; Montepio Bank; BPI Bank; Bankinter, branch in Portugal; Caixa Geral de Depósito y Abanca, branch in Portugal.

The system average is equivalent to 60 complaints for every 100,000 mortgages and mortgages.

In total, the Bank of Portugal received 10,184 complaints, about 1,700 per month (which translates into an increase of 12.5% ​​compared to the monthly average of 2019), according to the Synopsis of Behavioral Supervision Activities for the first half of 2020.

Excluding complaints about matters related to the Covid-19 pandemic, the increase was 2.6%, the report reveals.

Digital channels (LR Eletrônico and Portal de Clientes Bancarios) were the most used (71% in the second quarter of 2020 compared to 50 in the first quarter) for these complaints.

“The growth in the number of complaints was transversal to several issues, highlighting the contribution of complaints about matters associated with the Covid-19 pandemic, that is, about the application of public and private moratoriums. Excluding complaints on these issues, the number of complaints received by the Bank of Portugal would have grown 2.6% compared to the monthly average for 2019, ”the report reads.

Bank deposits, consumer credit, and mortgages and mortgages continued to be the banking products in which the most motivating topics were inserted, having represented, respectively, 32%, 25% and 12% of the complaints received in the period.

Compared with the 2019 half-yearly average, the number of complaints also grew in relative terms in the main cases. In bank deposits, it went from 16 to 18 for every 100,000 accounts; in consumer credit, from 18 to 21 per 100,000 contracts; and, in mortgage loans, from 50 to 60 for every 100,000 contracts.

Following the complaints, the Bank of Portugal issued 1,310 specific determinations and recommendations (compared to 921 in 2019), directed at 141 credit institutions and financial companies, and instituted 40 administrative offenses against 16 entities. The initiation of these administrative proceedings for infringement involved 126 complaints.

Most of the specific determinations and recommendations were issued in order to correct the non-conformities detected in matters of bank deposits (493 determinations and recommendations, sent to 120 institutions) and consumer credit (314 determinations and recommendations, addressed to 91 institutions) .

The administrative procedures initiated were derived mainly from the analysis of complaints from bank clients. The subjects that presented the most cases were bank deposits (17 cases involving eight institutions), consumer credit (eight cases covering six institutions) and payment services (six cases involving six institutions).
