BALL – Águias launched the name of David Tavares “in the name of transparency” (Benfica)


Through publication Benfica News, the club da Luz attributes to the need for “transparency” in this period the decision to publicly reveal the name of David Tavares as positive for Covid-19, which deserved the “immediate consent” of the 21-year-old.

“In relation to our athlete David Tavares, we want, above all, to wish him a speedy recovery. The athlete is well, asymptomatic and complies with isolation under the conditions contemplated in the predefined contingency plan, following the rules of the DGS and having the full support of the club. David Tavares, if he were not a professional soccer player, and given the absence of symptoms, it is most likely one of the many cases believed to exist and be detected. According to the information provided by SL Benfica, SAD, in an official statement, the Medical Department of Sport Lisboa e Benfica will maintain the strict contingency plan that is being followed from the day its professionals returned to activity at the Benfica Campus, with New testing plans already in the coming days. It should be noted that this will be the fourth test moment since he returned to the activity, “he says.

“Benfica made, in the name of transparency, the decision to reveal the name of the player, who obviously gave his immediate consent to do so. Benfica made the situation public the same day the case was reported, a few minutes after learning of the result of the counter-analysis. This sign of transparency is in line with what Benfica asked from the first hour: the centralization of the tests and the need for a strict periodicity, “emphasize the reds.

“Therefore, all the clubs have continued their work to, as planned, allow the return of the competitions with the security conditions determined by the health authorities. It is for this purpose that, in this unusual period in which we live, we work daily, “concludes the publication.
