Bacelar Gouveia and Orlando Nascimento outside the Supreme Court of Justice – Observer


Constitutionalist Jorge Bacelar Gouveia and Judge Orlando Santos Nascimento did not enter the Supreme Court of Justice. Both are being investigated for corruption cases, but that was not the reason why they were left out of the Supreme Court. Bacelar Gouveia did not enter because the quota of lawyers with merit is full; Orlando Nascimento ranked 38th (only eight advisers entered) on the list of advisory judge candidates.

Constitutionalist Bacelar Gouveia investigated for corruption

TVI announced this Tuesday that Bacelar Gouveia and Orlando Nascimento were prohibited from accessing the Supreme Court of Justice due to the ongoing investigations. But to the Observer source of the Superior Council of the Judiciary he explained that, in the case of Bacelar Gouveia, the admission did not take place because the quota of lawyers of merit was full. However, if a vacancy opens, the constitutionalist can automatically enter. For this, it is necessary that one of the judges who entered through the quota of merit lawyers leave. However, if he is accused in the process in which he is involved, his appointment is frozen.

Bacelar Gouveia is being investigated in the “Tutti-Frutti” process, which has investigated since 2017 alleged crimes of corruption and influence peddling involving personalities from the PS and PSD. It is suspected of facilitating the awarding of PhDs to students from some African countries whose official language is Portuguese (PALOP) in exchange for counterparts, such as diamonds.

Orlando Nascimento did not enter the Supreme Court because he graduated in 38th place (and only 8 counselors, 6 judges and two lawyers entered). The judge, who resigned the presidency of the Lisbon Court of Appeals in early March, is under investigation for abuse of power due to his alleged involvement in irregularities in the distribution of cases. He remained outside the indictment order of Operation Lex, but will continue to be investigated by the prosecutor in another case.

Judge Orlando Nascimento is being investigated for abuse of power

News updated at 11 pm with information gathered from a source from the Superior Council of the Judiciary.
