Azores with two new cases of Covid-19 and one more infected patient leaving


The cases present a stable clinical situation and the procedures defined for confirmed cases, tests and surveillance of close contacts have already been attended by the Municipal Health Office.

Register the departure from the Region of a positive case, referring to a 31-year-old male, residing abroad, despite the authorities, having already attended to contacts with the health authorities in continental territory to tracing. the case, as well as the procedures related to judicial accountability for what happened.

Thus, to date, 220 cases of infection by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which causes the COVID-19 disease, have been detected in the Region, with 28 active positive cases, 25 of which on the island of São Miguel , two on Terceira Island and one on Pico Island.

The prevention and containment measures of a pandemic must be maintained and strengthened, whenever possible, by citizens and organizations from the public, private and social sectors.

The Regional Health Authority reiterates the need to comply with all the recommendations already made public in this regard, especially that, in case of symptoms, do not look for a Hospital or Health Unit, but call the Azores Health Line – 808 24 60 24.

For more information, visit the website created by the Government of the Azores on pandemic control in the Region, at, or the Facebook page of the Regional Health Directorate , at https: / /
