Author of the massacre in Viana accused of homicide for a debt of 600 thousand euros


The rear unit installed in the Viana do Castelo Cultural Center has already received the first three covid patients this afternoon, according to O MINHO on the spot. More users are expected in the next few hours.

These are the first three infected who need to be hospitalized in that Rear Support Structure, which has, in a first phase, 30 beds, which can ‘grow’ to 120, or in the event of a “catastrophe”, 200.

It was not possible to determine the origin of these patients, but it is known that at least one user is from Caminha and was not admitted to the district hospital.

A source linked to the Health area told O MINHO that in this unit there are better working conditions than in the hospital itself, since there is not “so much confusion” and there is “more space” to work.

The president of the district civil protection commission of Viana do Castelo, Miguel Alves, who also chairs the municipality of Caminha, had already explained that this structure was born after the increase in cases in the district, hoping that it would “accommodate many people” in all The following days.

Alto Minho’s rear unit begins to get infected in the next few days

At the inauguration of the structure, Miguel Alves said that of the 81 beds in the covid room of the Viana do Castelo Hospital, “only four are available. In the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) there are 25 beds and there are only three available ”, he specified.

Photo: Joca Photographer / O MINHO

“At the limit, if we had a situation of absolute rupture, of catastrophe, which we did not foresee, the space is prepared to house 200 people,” said the socialist mayor.

“We work in 10-bed modules and, for every 10 beds, we have to have five direct action and general action assistants, a nurse and a doctor,” he said.

He added that, in October, “the average number of new cases per day in the Viana do Castelo district was 28. In November, we are having 85 cases per day.”

Photo: Joca Photographer / O MINHO

“This puts a lot of pressure on the institutions that support the elderly but also on the hospital units,” he emphasized.

EAR was installed by the Chamber of Viana do Castelo in April, in the cultural center of the city.

Initially, it was planned to deactivate this unit at the end of October, but in the meantime, the Chamber of Viana do Castelo and the Local Health Unit of Alto Minho (ULSAM) decided to extend its operation until the end of November due to the increase in cases of covid- 19 in the region.

The inauguration of the structure in Viana do Castelo was attended by the State Coordinating Secretary of State Eduardo Pinheiro, who said that “in all the districts of the Northern region, either there are open spaces or spaces that will open in the coming days”, and in the district of Two spaces were created in Porto.

The session was also attended by the mayor of Viana do Castelo, president of the ULSAM board of directors, district operations commander, director of the district Social Security center and health coordinating delegate.

(news updated at 7:24 pm informing the entry of a third user)
