Arrested for human trafficking when landing in Lisbon carrying a five-year-old boy – Portugal


The SEF detained a man suspected of trafficking in human beings after arriving at Lisbon airport on a flight from Bissau accompanied by a minor under 5 years of age, the security service reported Monday.

In a statement, the Aliens and Borders Service (SEF) said that the arrest took place on Sunday at the Lisbon airport and that the man is also suspected of crimes of aid to illegal immigration and use of foreign documents, in addition to trafficking. of people.

SEF indicates that the detainee, who was coming from a flight from Bissau, was accompanied by a minor under 5 years of age whom he identified as his daughter, claiming that she was returning to Belgium, where he lives.

However, he explains that the security service, SEF inspectors detected, during the usual border control, that the minor’s document raised suspicions, for which the collaboration of the SEF Identification and Documentation Unit was requested.

The note indicates that, after a detailed analysis, it was confirmed that it was a foreign document.

This security service highlights that, after personal searches and checked luggage, several third-party documents were also detected, namely, birth records, residence certificates, passports, a handwritten declaration of sale of a French passport worth a thousand euros and various records of bank transfers.

SEF highlights that all documents indicate document fraud.

The minor was referred by the SEF to the Social Security Multidisciplinary Teams and, later, was installed in a safe house and the detainee will be present this Monday in court for the possible application of coercive measures.
