Arrest of bens based on false passport assassinated by Bruce Lee, accuses Isabel dos Santos


The Isabel dos Santos company accused Angola and Portugal of being used as a prova non-arrest for a forged passport, with the assassination of kung-fu teacher and deceased movie star Bruce Lee.

Second a communication from the company, to which Agência Lusa has access, or the Angolan State will be used as a prova for fazer or preventive arrest of bens “a passport grossly falsified”, with a photograph taken from the Internet, data of incorrect birth and use of words in English, among other “sinais de falsificação”.

O passaporte em causa terá has been used as a prova em tribunal pela Procuradoria-Geral da República de Angola to demonstrate that Isabel dos Santos illegally intended to export capitais to Japan, allegedly filgo do antigo Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos.

Sabel dos Santos fala numa “bizarra” email newsletter about a supposed businessman from Japão, where he was a coup d’etat who happened to be a business owner from the Middle East using a false passport to generate a fraudulent business.

“It is noted that Isabel dos Santos was never contacted and never contacted by the parties involved in this ‘fraudulent scheme’ and never made a false proposition”, guarantor, adding that the transaction described in those emails was “technically impossible”.

Notwithstanding the statement that she is presenting or that she claims to be a “rocambolesco entanglement”, Isabel dos Santos affirms that the Embassy of Angola does not contact Japan or SINSE (Angolan secret services) to authenticate or false passport, a competition that is the Serviço de Migração e Fronteiras , e that angolan attorney general used this “grosseira falsificação” to support or request for arrest in December 2019.

O Tribunal de Luanda decreed in December 30 of last year or preventive arrest of bank accounts and social partners of Isabel dos Santos, Sindika Dokolo, her husband, and Mário Filipe Moreira Leite da Silva, ex-president of Conselho de Administração do Banco de Fomento de Angola (BFA) and business manager.

The Angolan State, represented by the Public Ministry, has a long foundation in which, in general, it maintains that Isabel dos Santos and her husband will use estates, not least from Sonangol, for fazerem negócios, claiming a life of more than 1.1 thousand milhões de Dollars.

Isabel dos Santos, who denies all the accusations, deceives, does not mean, in “wrought provas” to raise a perante or a “false appearance” that she prepared to take money to or from Japan and hide or her patrimony, being urgent to arrest you seus bens.

“To the authenticity of the intelligence and security services of the State, to the use of this ‘false passport’ for the Angolan State and the oiling of this ‘false passport’, it raises Justiça as a cause of serious concerns about the smoothness and independence of this legal process and clear political motivations On the part of quem não, he is using false proofs to carry out convenience judgments, “he argues to the company, underlining that only in April were his lawyers tiveram acesso às alegações,” I discovered false proofs and false documents. “

The company accuses the Angolan Prosecutor of fazer uma “fraudulent use of the Angolan justice system” to seize its business patrimony and appeals to the Portuguese justice, which decided to cooperate with Angola and executed several arrests in Portugal, so that “in light of Denounce and of others that will be followed, revalidate these execuções ‘às cegas’ “.

He also said that it is an opportunity for the Angolan justice to show that it is not afraid of the solidity and reliability of its work, “appealing to the fact that it is” not legal “and proves” total independence of political power “.

Not communicated outgoing that in the consequência das provas forjas, the Angolan and Portuguese States will arrest counting and bens num excessive value, superior to two thousand milhões de euros of assets and companies, situation that is going to destroy “empreendimentos that geravam valor” ea deixixar I don’t lose weight.

Isabel dos Santos wants to be in charge of a process with political motivations and shows that Portugal is a signatory of the Europe Europe Agreement, or that it prevents the country from cooperating legally with any process of this kind.

“The Portuguese authorities must warn that it may constitute entrusting and executing requests from the Justiça of Angola will be duly verified as provas and allegations presented (…) challenging judicial processes based on political motivations,” he concluded.

O International Consortium of Journalism of Investigation revealed in 19 de janeiro mais of 715 thousand file holders, sob or nome of “Luanda Leaks”, which detailed alleged financial schemes of Isabel dos Santos and her husband, which was allowed to withdraw money from the Angolan public era through tax havens.

The company is arguing a crime process that is going to run in Angola for alleged further management and diversion of funds during the passage of the Sonangol state oil company.

In addition to the arrest of bank accounts and social partners in Angola, there were also arrests of companies related to several companies in Portugal.
