Are vaccination “cheats” immoral? Only for those who voted for André Ventura, says Francisco Ramos – Observer


Francisco Ramos, coordinator of workgroup vaccination, says that people who received the first dose in the wrong way, of course, will receive the second dose in due time. Anything else would be a “popular justice that would make little sense,” said the official, who reiterated that it does not measure up to the structure that leads to persecute “cheaters” and that other entities must act, in addition to “censorship popular ”where newspapers also play a role. But to question the second shot would be a “vengeful spirit” that Francisco Ramos only associates “with that 11% or 12%” who voted for André Ventura’s candidacy in the presidential elections last Sunday.

In an interview with SIC Notícias, Francisco Ramos stressed that “it is not up to this structure to impose punishments in this matter – this question explains a little that 11% or 12% in the presidential elections last Sunday, a vengeful spirit that I do. be very good for a caring society like ours ”. In Francisco Ramos’ opinion, only these people – André Ventura voters – will consider it “immoral” to take the second dose in which he took the first (without having to take it) – “I think others hope that they have a feeling of solidarity that it prevails over a sense of popular justice that makes very little sense ”.

As he had already done, Francisco Ramos considered “unfortunate” situations in which the rules of the vaccination plan are not respected (with vaccines administered to non-priority people) – but “this is a system that is configured to vaccinate people, do not look for cheats ”. “What was done this week was to ask the General Inspection of Sanitary Activities to carry out audits on compliance with these criteria,” he revealed.

The coordinator of the Covid-19 vaccination plan explained what should be done in situations of “leftovers”, which may exist because each bottle contains a number of doses (6 in one and 10 in another).

Imagine a household with 94 people to vaccinate, so it is very difficult, either one more dose or four less. The guideline is clear: if doses of vaccine are missing in homes, all residents must be vaccinated and some professionals who cannot be vaccinated must go to the health unit. If doses are left behind, you have to look for people who are part of the priority phase 1 vaccination ”.

“As a rule we will always be talking about low doses, but we have already had a situation in which there were many doses, in the case of the accident with the transport van,” said Francisco Ramos, noting that even in this situation there were “very few “the doses that had to be discarded.

The coordinator of the workgroup of vaccination says that he was not aware of the INEM case in Porto and guaranteed: “I do not try to be aware of these situations and I must say that workgroup looking for someone to cheat, the cheating prevention instrument must be put in place, but from there other entities will have to act and, above all, guarantee public censorship in which the media also intervene ”.

Francisco Ramos also revealed in SIC Notícias that the number 2424 is the one that will send written messages via mobile phone related to the vaccination process. Starting next week, it will be reported that this is the only “trustworthy, trustworthy” number to receive contact information about vaccination. “Any message from another source is not a reliable message,” Francisco Ramos said.

Regarding the decision not to extend the time between the first and second doses (to give the first dose to more people), it was the result of a “technical discussion” that did not want me to make an “isolated decision in Portugal” about this issue. It is recalled that the General Directorate of Health recommended extending the intake period between the first and second doses of the vaccine, but the working group appointed by the Government did not accept it.

There was an “optimization of the stock management”, that is to say, in the first two weeks of the process doses equivalent to three weeks were always maintained – who was vaccinated in the first week (last week of December) immediately a dose was stored. Since mid-January, there has been a week of stock, confident that pharmaceutical companies will maintain or even accelerate delivery of doses.

Francisco Ramos explains that this decision made it possible to “anticipate the vaccination of neighbors in homes, which was scheduled to end (the first dose) in mid-February and ended this week,” the exception here, in addition to the places where there are outbreaks are “illegal dwellings” in the Alentejo that “have not yet been able to establish contact with these dwellings” (the collaboration of Social Security and Civil Protection was requested to establish contact with those responsible).

About 30,000 people in households have not yet been vaccinated, not even with the first dose, Francisco Ramos said, adding that “about 113,000 doses of the vaccine” from AstraZeneca will arrive in Portugal on February 9.
