April 25th. “This is more a glass of water in the storm and not a storm in a glass of water”


Ferro Rodrigues, in an interview with Antena 1, admits that he was surprised by the controversy surrounding the ceremony on April 25 at the Assembly of the Republic, and says that there was an instrumentalization by the inorganic sectors. It also highlights that the ceremony was articulated with the President of the Republic and approved by 95% of the deputies represented at the leaders’ conference.

Ferro Rodrigues rejects the idea of ​​changing this institutional model. It is a ceremony that gives dignity to the celebration of April 25, so it guarantees that, as long as he is president of the Assembly of the Republic, this model will not change.

In this interview with Antena 1, which can be heard in its entirety this Wednesday after the 10 o’clock news, the President of the Assembly of the Republic also underlined the importance of the functioning of Parliament: “the non-closure of Parliament it is what enables the Portuguese to realize that the state of emergency is not an interruption of democracy. ”

Regarding the future, Ferro Rodrigues rejects the idea of ​​a new austerity: “A serious social crisis must be avoided because that is the breeding ground for the emergence of right-wing populism and extremism.” Ferro Rodrigues also highlights the good relations between the three main figures of the State – PAR, PR and PM – there is a trio that works well.

In an interview in which he admits that he is afraid, Ferro Rodrigues remembers that he belongs to a double risk group, both because of his age and because he had undergone two very complicated surgical procedures. “There are no heroes.” Still, Ferro Rodrigues says it’s okay, so he doesn’t see the need for testing.

Ferro Rodrigues’ interview with Antena 1 can be heard in its entirety tomorrow, Wednesday, after the news at 10 am.
