Approved the mandatory use of masks on the street for 70 days.


This Friday, Parliament approved a PSD bill that imposes the mandatory use of masks in public spaces for at least three months, a renewable measure and that provides fines of between 100 and 500 euros for noncompliants.

The diploma, voted in general, specialty and final global vote, determines that the use of a mask is mandatory – and cannot be replaced by a visor – for people over ten years of age to access, circulate or stay in public spaces and roads “. provided that the physical distance recommended by the health authorities is impracticable. “The document, which must continue to Belém today, also provides for fines of between 100 and 500 euros for defaulters.

The text of the PSD – which arose as a result of the bill proposed by the Government, which later fell back – favorable votes from PSD, PS, BE and CDS-PP. The Liberal Initiative voted against. PCP, PAN, PEV and MP Joacine Katar Moreira abstained. The only deputy and president of Chega, André Ventura, who had announced that he was against the measure, did not vote for the diploma, as he is campaigning in the Azores. Before the vote on the mandatory use of a mask on the street, applicable to all people over 10 years of age, the PSD already had the guaranteed support of the socialist caucus.

In the specialty vote, some amendments to the text of the Social Democrats were approved: at the proposal of the PS, the measure will be valid for 70 days (instead of 90, as expected in the latest version of the project), which can be renewed at the end of that period. In the inspection chapter, the Left Bloc managed to include that the role of municipal and police security forces Awareness and pedagogy “priority”.

BE and PAN intended to include in the diploma that the distribution of masks was free, but the proposals were rejected with a vote against the PS and they abstained from the PSD bench; However, they managed to include in the project that there is a public awareness campaign for the use of masks.

People living together laid off

Exempt from the obligation approved today, there are “people who are part of the same household, when they are not in the proximity of third parties” or presenting a medical certificate of multipurpose disability or a medical statement that proves that the clinical condition or cognitive impairment does not allows the use of masks. Nor is the use of a mask mandatory when “it is incompatible with the nature of the activities carried out by people.”
