António Costa had “high risk” contact and spent Christmas in isolation


Prime Minister António Costa was considered to be in contact with a high-risk exposure to COVID-19, remaining in prophylactic isolation at the Official Residence until the end of the 14-day active surveillance period, health officials announced.

“After exposure to the case of covid-19, which occurred on 12/16/2020, the prime minister, Dr. António Costa, and after a risk assessment carried out by the Health Authority, it was considered that it was a contact with high exposure risk “, says in a statement the Regional Health Administration of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo (ARSLVT)

António Costa is thus subject to “active surveillance for 14 days, from the date of the last exposure, with prophylactic isolation in the Official Residence until the end of the active surveillance period,” said the ARSLVT. Considering that the high-risk exposure took place on the 16th, this means that the Prime Minister will spend Christmas in prophylactic isolation.

António Costa was already in preventive prophylactic isolation of covid-19, after having been this Wednesday at the Elysee Palace in Paris with the French president, Emmanuel Macron, who is infected with the new coronavirus.

A statement from António Costa’s office released that day indicated that the prime minister was in preventive prophylactic isolation, waiting for the health authority to define the confinement resulting from the risk contact, but that he maintained all executive activity and the agenda work was not fulfilled. face-to-face

Portugal represents at least 5,977 deaths associated with covid-19 in 366,952 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest bulletin from the Directorate General of Health (DGS).
