António Costa foi levar ″ confiança ″ to the merchants of Porto


Or primeiro-minister andou, this sixth-feira, in Baixa do Porto to perceive together two merchants as it is to run or return to activity.

António Costa ouviu traders das ruas Fernandes Tomás e Santa Catarina, not the center of Porto, at the end of the manhã of this sixth-feira, not the end of the first week of gradual lack of confidence in the country. The merchants “are going to need to be encouraged, we are all going to need to be encouraged, and it is very important to the people that they are trusting, for pouco and pouco, with the precautions of life – with masks, or alcohol gel that traders have at the entrance, keeping The rules of the establishment, entering at the same time in the function of space – will be able to turn to commercial activity “.

The lojistas will open the doors at the beginning of this week, “they are more animated and others less with the clientele than with tiveram, but all above all with a great desire to return to full activity,” he commented. António Costa says that, “with caution, we have to win or lose, but we must also return to our activities, we are going to the economy for the future.”

Or Governo’s chief repeated that he would join austerity to an agrarian pandemic crisis, as well as panorama. “Isso uma vossa obsessão, in the belief that crises expire with austerity. A austerity has not provided that this is not a way to deal with crises, and that this crisis certainly does not require austerity,” said journalist.

Na rua de Santa Catarina, not Porto, Costa hopes that the next tempos will swallow more serenity for consumers and less, so that the commerce of rua não fique condemned to economic reason. “Uma crise que tem uma rua comercial [Rua de Santa Catarina] like this one, with all the movement, where we fear the merchants to ask us and we will need that as many people as possible to be able to trust and to trust to be able to fight, or to challenge that we will have to trust to those who can be “, acrescentou.

Or the prime minister has traveled from Gaia, where he received the president of Câmara Eduardo Vítor Rodrigues, to or from the metro. No Porto was given autarch Rui Moreira hair. Before, you have visited the Center for Excelência and Inovação na Indústria Automóvel (CEIIA), in Matosinhos, which has concluded the 1st phase of development and production of Ventilator Atena. The first ten fans are ready to deliver to the Hospital de Santo António.
